
Global resources

The NCTSN (The National Child Traumatic Stress Network) is a resource for families, children, and caregivers with help for coping guidelines that you may use if your child has gone through a school shooting and other traumatic events.

The FBI active shooter resource page offers videos, training, and procedures that help guide individuals on how to ensure safety in schools and what to do if you are ever put in that situation.

March for our Lives is an organization that advocates for ending gun violence started by students that were victims in the Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school shooting advocating for voters to help make a change to end gun violence and stop school shootings.

Sandy Hook Promise is an organization started by families of children that were killed in the Sandy Hook school shooting. It advocates for children being free from shootings and acts of violence in their schools, homes, and communities.

Local Resources

Roc Against Gun Violence Coalition is a resource out of Rochester that seeks to end gun violence by bringing attention to cause and effects of gun violence in order to improve the community and educate individuals.

Monroe County Active threat information shares information regarding precautions that can be taken in the case you are ever in the situation of an active shooter.