Grand Rapids Urban Agriculture Committee:

Cultivating Community through Urban Agriculture

Who are UAG?

The Grand Rapids Urban Agriculture Committee (GRUAG) informs the public about urban agriculture and its benefits. They offer expertise to policymakers on urban food production infrastructure, planning policies, health initiatives, food access, and agricultural economics. The GRUAC advocates for urban agriculture to create a sustainable and healthy food system. 

UAG Goals and What They are Working Towards:

Policies and Ordinances:

GRUAC has proposed and improved ordinances and policies that affect Grand Rapids residents. Past initiatives taken would be changing requirements for having chickens on one’s property, pushing for bees being allowed on residents’ property, and proper composting practices. Now, they aim to reform and introduce ordinances that improve sustainability and make the most of residents’ available space. Advocating for ordinances such as Accessory Structures, Backyard Livestock, Edible Landscaping, and more allows them to continue to inform the community on all their available options. 

Our Project:

To brainstorm possible ideas of how GRUAG can get the community engaged and informed about the resources the community has at their disposal as well as what the Committee is doing for them. 


Pamphlet: An in depth guide to UA policies and practices in the City of Grand Rapids

Brochure: A quick reference for current policies and applicable practices in the City of Grand Rapids

Sticker: Stickers would have the GRUAG logo and motto with a QR Code that would direct people to their website with information about them and what they are doing for the community. Stickers are intended to attach to any piece of distributed material, but the intention was for them to be placed on seed packets.

ENS 401.01 Group 4 (Responses)