ENS 301.02

Foremost Environmental Sustainability Challenges in Pakistan


Shehnaz Shehnaz 

Objective of the Study

The primary objective of this study is to delve into the prevalent challenges confronting Pakistan in its pursuit of environmental Sustainability. It aims to identify, examine, and analyze the multifaceted obstacles hindering Pakistan's progress toward achieving the environmental SDGs. With a focus on understanding the interconnected issues faced by the country, the study will unfold the intricate dynamics at play within Pakistan's socio-economic and political framework. 

What is Environmental Sustainability? 

'Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs' (UN Brundtland Commission in 1987)

Environmental Sustainability includes the responsible use of natural resources, the protection of ecosystems, and the mitigation of environmental degradation to ensure a healthy planet for current and future inhabitants. 

Environmental sustainability encompasses various aspects such as biodiversity conservation, climate change mitigation, pollution prevention, and sustainable resource management. 

Environmental SDGs 2030

 Importance of ES in Pakistan

      Key Environmental Issues in Pakistan 

Air Pollution 

The air quality in most Pakistani cities ranges from very unhealthy to dangerous. Most of the air pollution is due to vehicular emissions. ⁶ The fact that Pakistan uses Euro2 fuel with diesel fuel high in sulfur content. Brick kilns, which use dirty fuel such as used tires are another major cause of air pollution, Indoor air pollution is caused by burning of dung, wood, coal which is used for cooking and heating. Air pollution mostly effect the poor and vulnerable communities the most. 

Water Pollution 

The leading cause of water pollution is untreated municipal and industrial sewage. The use of untreated water for agriculture results in bioaccumulation of contaminates in plants. Fertilizer run-off is another major contributor of surface and ground water pollution. The haphazard disposal of wastewater across the country leads to degradation of water quality in rivers, wetlands and groundwater, 

Solid Waste Management 

The improper management of solid municipal waste across the country is a major environmental concern.  The waste mostly openly dumped in urban areas due to lack of engineered landfills, A huge portion of the waste is recyclable thus poor people visit the sites and handpick items of value. hospital waste is the biggest constituents of solid waste especially after COVID-19 due to the lack of proper management of infectious waste. 

Climate Change Induced Calamities 

Pakistan is one of the most affected countries of climate change. From floods to droughts to heatwave, Pakistan has bear the worst outcomes of climate change. The floods in 2023 affected 33 million people, more than 1730 lost their lives and the country faced a total economic loss of USD 15.2 billion. Sudies show that nearly 36 percent of glaciers in the Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) mountain range will be eradicated by 2100, if warming is not curtailed to below 1.5°C.

The above table shows Pakistan's progress in achieving the SDGs. 5 out of the 7 goals still face major unsolved challenges. Additionally, only goal 13 has achieved the SDG status, however, the improvement is still inadequate to achieve the SDGs. 

Global Commitments and The Progress 

Pakistan affirmed its commitment to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by adopting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as its own national development agenda through a unanimous National Assembly Resolution in 2016. The country established an institutional framework for SDGs implementation in 2018. It has also established the Ministry of Planning Development and Special Initiatives and Provincial Planning and Development Departments to guide SDGs implementation and monitor its progress. Regardless of these initiatives, Pakistan has a long way to achieve environmental sustainability. 

Challenges to Environmental Sustainability 

The people of Pakistan are the victims of “a grim calculus of climate injustice”, while the country was responsible for less than one per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions, it is paying a “supersized price for man-made climate change” (Secretary-General António Guterres)

Poverty undermines Pakistan ability to transition to clean energy, build efficient infrastructure and modernizing its industries which can minimize carbon emissions 

It also drives communities in many rural areas to rely on traditional and inefficient energy production methods including wood, kerosene, and biomass which leads to carbon emissions, air pollution and deforestation. 

Clean water is a privilege and luxury in Pakistan. 64% of people do not have access to safe and clean drinking water. Communities in rural areas do not have the resources to clean. 



Alam, S. (2010) ‘Globalization, poverty and environmental degradation: Sustainable development in Pakistan’, Journal of Sustainable Development, 3(3). doi:10.5539/jsd.v3n3p103.

Sustainable development report 2023 (no date) Sustainable Development Report 2023. Available at: https://dashboards.sdgindex.org/profiles/pakistan (Accessed: 03 April 2024).

World Bank Group (2022) Pakistan: Flood damages and economic losses over USD 30 billion and reconstruction needs over USD 16 billion - new assessment, World Bank. Available at: https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/press-release/2022/10/28/pakistan-flood-damages-and-economic-losses-over-usd-30-billion-and-reconstruction-needs-over-usd-16-billion-new-assessme (Accessed: 03 April 2024).

UNDP (2020) Environmental sustainability in Pakistan, UNDP. Available at: https://www.undp.org/pakistan/publications/environmental-sustainability-pakistan (Accessed: 03 April 2024).

University of Chicago (2023) Pakistan, AQLI.

ENS301.02 14 (Responses)