Whippoorwill Population Affected By Michigan Forestry


The iconic song of the whippoorwill holds untold value to those who have had the privilege of sitting on a porch, in the warmth of summer, at dusk. The sound attaches to core memories, lore, and traditions. Experiencing the call of the Eastern Whippoorwill (Antrostomus vociferus) is not easily forgotten. Unfortunately, their song is much less abundant now than it was in the near past, as their numbers have been dwindling dramatically.

The Question

The importance of this species health goes beyond the nostalgia of memorable times however. This species, and other similar avian insectivores, can be correlated to insect population health and ecosystem resilience. And so a research question arises:

How are Michigan's current forestry management practices of prescribed burns, clear cutting, and selective cutting effecting the population distribution and density of the Eastern Whippoorwill? 

Literature Review


Triple Bottom Line

Environment - Society - Economy

Research Method & Justification

This research proposal incorporates autonomous recording units (A.R.U.) for site verification, GPS tags to gauge the range of movement for individuals, UV-light traps and metabarcoding methods for insect abundance, and historical mapping data from Michigan forest management by type to cross reference with the primary data collected.

A.R.U.’s are small audio recording devise that are battery operated, weatherproofed, and can be activated during intended periods of monitoring 

GPS tags can confirm site presence as well as show movement range of individuals to help minimize multiple recordings of the same individuals. Additionally, GPS tagging can be utilized for future research regarding migratory pattern or multi-year cross studying 

UV-light trapping insect population at observations sites, in conjunction with metabarcoding will be used to analyze the prey abundance of the site locations

Historical mapping of forest management will be utilized as the prominent source of management identification (clearcutting, burnings, or selective cuttings). This data in combination with historic species siting locations, such as this one from Michigan State Universities Extension program Michigan Natural Features Inventory (Antrostomus Vociferus (Eastern Whip-Poor-Will) - Michigan Natural Features Inventory, n.d.) will be the targeted areas of study 

While the historic mapping data is the primary source of analyzing forest management type, future studies can utilize this methodology in tandem with current forest operations and time lapse analysis after operations have been completed 

Whippoorwill Population Change 1966-2015

Source: Cink, C. L., P. Pyle, and M. A. Patten (2020). Eastern Whip-poor-will (Antrostomus vociferus), version 1.0. In Birds of the World (P. G. Rodewald, Editor). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA. https://doi.org/10.2173/bow.whip-p1.01


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ENS301.01 Whippoorwill (Responses)