Welcome to Learning Online!
Hello Students,
A little about me; I am a licensed psychologist who specializes in relationship issues, women’s mental health, college mental health and culturally relevant therapy approaches.
I earned my PhD in counseling psychology from Northeastern University and my Bachelors and Masters in psychology from Florida International University. I completed a nationally accredited doctoral internship at UCLA and then a health psychology postdoctoral fellowship at University of San Francisco.
In addition to my clinical work, I am an experienced speaker and instructor who enjoys presenting and teaching on a variety of topics, such as, racial, gender and sexual diversity, creating connections, cultural competency, increasing resilience, managing microaggressions, stress and interpersonal violence.
Originally from Jamaica, I have held multiple positions in the places I have lived: a professional high school counselor in Miami, Florida, an academic adviser and college transitions program coordinator for first-generation, low-income students in Boston, Massachusetts and adjunct professor in psychology at both the graduate and undergraduate levels in Florida, Massachusetts & California.
When I’m not working, I enjoy teaching flexibility and aerial arts, watching movies and spending time with my partner, friends and fur babies.
Instructor Contact Info
Shelly-Ann Collins Rawle, PhD
Email: sacollins@ccsf.edu
Ocean Campus- Batmale 344
Office Hours: by appointment via Zoom
Course Policies
1. Course Communication Policy:
a. Canvas Inbox is my preferred method of contact. My response time is 24-48 hours (except Saturday & Sundays). Please resend if I haven’t responded.
b. For general questions about the course, policies, etc., and clarification questions that other students could benefit from, post in the General Discussion Forum/ Q & A Forum on Canvas. For personal questions and issues, e-mail me directly.
c. I am also available for face to face meetings via Zoom: Mon & Wed 3:00 -5:00 PM or by appointment.
d. Make sure to read your e-mail and all the announcements on Canvas. This is a fluid class and there may be occasionally changes in pacing. There may be important changes in assignments and important clarifications; you are responsible for all changes announced.
e. Netetiquette combination of ’net’ (from internet) and ’etiquette’. It means respecting other users’ views and displaying common courtesy when posting your views to online discussion groups.
2. Course Drop, No Show, Withdrawal Policy:
a. A student who decides to withdraw from this class at any time must do so by filing the appropriate form in the Registrar’s Office (Smith Hall, RM 118) or online through MyCCSF-Web4. If you miss 2 consecutive weeks of quizzes or discussions, you may be dropped for non-participation.
b. In order to withdraw from a course, it is not sufficient to stop posting assignments or contributing to discussion. In accord with college policy, students wishing to withdraw from a course must do so formally through the Registrar’s office. It is the student’s responsibility to complete all forms. If this is not done, the instructor must assign a grade of F at the end of the semester.
3. Late Policy:
Unless prior arrangements are made with me, no late assignments will be accepted. Exceptions will be in the case of emergencies, and late penalties will be made on a case-by-case basis. Notify me, via email, in case of an emergency.
4. Academic Integrity:
CCSF does not condone academic dishonesty in any form. This includes, but is not limited to the following:
Cheating (giving or receiving unauthorized assistance in any academic exercise or examination)
Plagiarism (representing the ideas or language of others as one’s own)
Falsification or invention of information, data, or citations
Submitting substantially the same written work to more than one instructor without permission
Interfering with the ability of a fellow student to perform his or her assignments.
CCSF requires that the submission of all course assignments represent the original work produced by that student, and as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct, plagiarism will not be tolerated. Potential problems can be avoided by documenting all sources used (whether directly quoted or paraphrased) with references or citations. Cheating of any kind will result in a failing grade on that assignment, documentation of the incident, and possible referral to the Office of Student Affairs and Wellness. Unauthorized collaboration on assignments is subject to penalty of failure.
Multicultural Retention Services Dept.
Open to all students (you do not need to belong to the group highlighted in order to use their resources or services)
Offers assistance with free tutoring services, writing help, academic skills workshops.
Log-in Instructions
Go to the RAM ID Portal and Login.
Username: CCSF ID, examples: W12345678 or @12345678
Your Canvas password is your RAM ID password.
Instructions for new students
Once logged in, Click on the Canvas Tile.
Shortcut: Login directly to Canvas.
Canvas Chat Support is available 24/7.
Online Learning
What are the real challenges encountered by both new and experienced online students, and how can you be successful? Tune into this short tutorial video to help debunk common myths about online learning.
What Makes a Successful Online Learner? Valuable tips for success and what to expect.