ART 123W 19th century Painting at the Legion

Please note that Nicole Oest is not teaching ART 123W 19th century Painting at the Legion in fall semester 2023.

Note for spring semester 2021: Synchronous Zoom meetings will be held on Fridays beginning at 2:10 PM and ending before 5 PM. These meetings will be recorded and posted for students to review. The remainder of the content will be experienced asynchronously through the Canvas Learning System.

Instructor Contact/Course Communication

Nicole Krup Oest

Email: (preferred)

Phone: +1-415-239-3448

Office hours: Please note that Nicole Oest is not teaching ART 123W 19th century Painting at the Legion in fall semester 2023.

Note about communication response time: I will respond to all course email and voicemail within 48 hours, Monday-Friday, exclusive of school holidays. If you do not hear back from me within 48 hours, assume I did not receive your communication and please resend it. Kindly send all communication from Canvas or your CCSF email account, include the name of the course and the CRN in your email subject line, and sign your email with your name as it appears on the course roster.

Spring 2021 Schedule Information

Synchronous Zoom meetings will be held on Fridays beginning at 2:10 PM and ending before 5 PM. These meetings will be recorded and posted for students to review. The remainder of the content will be experienced asynchronously through the Canvas Learning System.

Course start date: Friday, January 22, 2021

Course end date: Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Course Description

ART 103 History of Modern Art

3 units

The course examines 19th-century painting from the permanent collection and special exhibitions at the Legion of Honor Museum. All art will be discussed from both a critical and historical perspective, with regard to cultural context and formal elements of style.

This course meets the requirements of AA degree in Area E Humanities, IGETC Area 3A Arts, and CSU GE Area C1 Arts.

Prerequisites/corequisites: none

Advisories: none

Method of grading: letter or pass/no pass (P/NP)

Repeatability: Course is not repeatable.

Time required (units): 3 units; 52.5 lecture hours; 105 homework hours; 157.5 total hours; field trips (see also section on field trips below). The amount of time spent on homework may vary from student to student.

Location: This is an online course taught in Canvas with individual student field trips (see login information and more about the field trip in "Important dates" below).

Regular course meeting times: Asynchronous activities will occur online every week with regular deadlines.

See the full course outline for ART 123W.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, a student will be able to:

Course Syllabus

See the full course outline for ART 123W with a list of lecture topics and general descriptions of assignments

Important Dates

A midterm assessment will be delivered online and due online. See the course syllabus for due dates.

A final assessment will be delivered online and due online. See the course syllabus for due dates.

Field trips: Students will engage in online study of local museum collections (online field trips). 

Follow these steps to access our online course in Canvas:

Required Textbooks

Recommended (Optional) Textbook/Further Reading

Required Technology

Recommended Skills


How do I register in a class when I am on a wait list?

If a seat becomes available, you are notified by an email sent to your CCSF email account to register for the class. You have 48 hours (including Saturdays and Sundays) to register for the class from the time the email is sent to you. If you do not register within this time frame, you will be removed from the wait list and the seat is given to the next person on the wait list. You will need to choose “Register” from the Action pull down menu and press the Submit Changes button. See also Wait List FAQs for Students.

How do I prepare myself for a successful start to studying art history online?:

HELP! What do I do if I cannot login to Canvas or see this course in my dashboard?

You will not be required to log into the course until the first day of the course.

If you are having trouble logging in on the first day of class and are enrolled in the course:

We are here to help you! You can find more support tips and resources in the CCSF Online Support Center.

For other Canvas-related questions, contact the Canvas helpdesk using the Canvas support live chat. or the hotline number available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: 844-592-2198.

If you added the course after the start date: You will be able to log in within one business day.

Drop policy

If you decide to discontinue this course, it is your responsibility to officially drop it to avoid getting no refund (after 10% of course length), a W symbol (after 20%), or a grade (after 60%). Also, for several consecutive, unexplained absences, the instructor may drop a student.

Students who fail to attend the first class (face-to-face courses) or do not log-in to an online class after the second week will be dropped from the class. It is strongly advised that if you need to miss more than one class/homework deadline in a row that you contact me to avoid being dropped from the class.

Accommodations/DSPS Statement

Students with disabilities who need academic accommodations should request them from the Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS) during their open hours at the locations listed on the DSPS website ( or by calling 415-452-5481 (Voice), 415-452-5451 (Telecommunication Device for the Deaf). 

As your instructor, I appreciate you contacting me at the start of the semester to alert me to your DSPS accommodations so that I may do my best to ensure the course format meets your specific needs. Please note that if you require DSPS accommodations on specific assignments or exams, you must submit your documentation at least two weeks in advance of the exam date or assignment deadline.