Access myCCSF Login Portal (RAM ID)

1. Go to the CCSF website

2. Click on myCCSF in the top menu

Capture of top menu with "myCCSF" highlighted.

3. Click on myCCSF Login Portal (RAM ID) 

Capture of with "myCCSF Login Portal RAM ID" highlighted.

You will see this page:

Capture of RAM ID login screen.

Activate your RAM ID

1. Click on "New to RAM ID? Forgot Password?"

Capture of RAM ID login screen with "New to RAM ID? Forgot Password?" highlighted.

2. Enter your Student ID number/Username. Your username is the same as your "Student ID number"

example: W00000001, @00000001, S0000001, etc.

Capture of student ID number prompt

3. Answer the 3 mandatory questions to verify your identity.

example: July 4, 1998 = 070498

Note: Answers must match what is on record with CCSF! If you cannot answer the questions correctly, please contact Noncredit Admissions & Records <> to help verify what is on record.

Once all 3 questions have been answered correctly, select Continue

If you do not see the 3 questions, you may have already set up your account. Use the password recovery options, or contact Noncredit Admissions & Records <> for more help.

Capture of security questions screen

4. Create your new password. Enter it twice to confirm. Select Continue

Capture of password creation screen.

Select "Click here to continue" to proceed.

Capture of confirmation prompt.

5. Enter your Username/Password and continue

Capture of password confirmation screen.

6. Select 2 questions and provide answers.

Capture of password recovery questions entry screen.

Click Continue to proceed.

Capture of confirmation prompt.

7. Add your mobile phone for password recovery. (OPTIONAL)

Note: Please have your mobile device available for this process.

Capture of phone number prompt.

Enter the one-time passcode (OTP) texted to your mobile phone number.

Click "Continue" to proceed.

Capture of One Time Passcode prompt.

8. Enroll your PERSONAL email address for password recovery. (OPTIONAL)

Note: Please be able to access your personal email account for this process.

Capture of email address prompt.
Capture of One Time Passcode prompt.

9. RAM ID Resources Portal.

Capture of myCCSF Resources Portal.