TRST 2322: Academic Reading & Writing 2.5-FO

Course Information

TRST 2322: Academic Reading & Writing 2.5-FO is a 16-week-fully online, intermediate course designed to develop reading, writing, and critical thinking skills. Credits earned can be used towards City College of San Francisco English requirements towards the CCSF High School Diploma. 

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, a student will be able to:


Important Dates

Spring 2023 Semester

Course Syllabus

To learn more about this course, view the course syllabus.

Transitional Studies graduate posing next to a City College banner

Transitional Studies graduate

Transitional Studies graduate with a beautiful smile

Transitional Studies graduate

Transitional Studies graduate with a wide smile

Transitional Studies graduate

Transitional Studies graduate with a graduation leis around her neck

Transitional Studies graduate