
The F2F part of the class is required

In addition to the online portion, we will meet once per week — every Monday, from 9:10 - 11 AM, in Wellness 103. During the first F2F class meeting we’ll meet everyone, make sure you are oriented to every part of the class, and begin doing math. In future classes, we'll be taking quizzes and tests during the face-to-face class, as well as other activities, so you need to be there.

I will drop you if you don’t attend the first face-to-face class on Monday, January 14, from 9:10 - 11 AM, in Wellness 103. During the first week of class, students who do not make one post in the forums and complete one homework assignment in WebAssign will be dropped from the class. For the entire of the semester, I will also drop you if you do not post in the forums for two weeks, or if you do not complete assignments in WebAssign for two weeks. Logging in and viewing the course, by itself, is NOT sufficient.

Internet access is required

As you would expect for an online course, internet access is required.

Access to a computer at least four days a week is strongly recommended

I try to make most things in the course work on your mobile phone, but a few don’t. And some of the things that do work on your phone are a lot better and easier to see and understand on a computer. You’ll also want the computer you are using to have flash enabled.