CNIT 106 Introduction to Networks

Course Objectives

Grading: Letter grade based on accumulated points as follows:

Quizzes/Tests 30

Homework 30

Discussion Posts 40


As this is an on-line course, Internet connectivity from home, office or library will be needed. In addition to the weekly readings in the texts, there are chapter questions, quizzes, and additional research. Some reports will be in the form of postings to the Discussion Board, some will be short printed papers.

Feel free to post comments or questions to the Discussion Board or meet for discussions in the Chat Area at any time. For Tips, see how to take this course

Be sure to check your Insight email frequently, and check the course web page weekly to see new announcements.

Discussion/Forum requirements: There will be discussion questions posted every 1.5 weeks, you must post and/or discuss in at least 80% of these to get full credit.

Attendance Policy: If you miss more that 2 classes, I may drop you. I will try to contact you before I drop you to see what is happening.

Please remember participation in the class includes taking quizzes, participating in forums, and completing assignments, not just logging into class.

Homework will be accepted up to 1 week late, but will have one letter grade less full credit maximum.

Questions? Post in the class Discussion Board, send me an e-mail (, or setup an appt. The Final Exam will be comprehensive and will be given online during finals week.

Course Schedule: There are 14 Chapters in the book. We will cover about one chapter every week. There are 11 Homework assignments, you must complete 8 of them for full credit. When you login to Insight you will see the detailed Calendar of Topics, Assignments, Quizzes, and Notes.

Communication Guidelines: Online you will also find some guidelines for class participation, and links to the CCSF Computer Policies. (Links to an external site.) In general, following good Netiquette (communication guidelines for the Internet) is recommended and expected.


A. Compare the layers of the OSI and TCP/IP networking models and DNS concepts and its components

B. Explain the purpose and properties of IP addressing

C. Compare WAN and WLAN technology types and their properties

D. Explain the methods of network access security and user authentication

E. Describe steps in troubleshooting a networking problem

F. Describe the objectives of the CompTIA Network+ Certification