Physical Geography Lab


Physical Geography Laboratory is an introductory laboratory course in Physical Geography. GEOG 1L complements the GEOG 1 lecture course in the study of weather and climate, tectonic processes, and the development of landforms. The emphasis of the laboratory work is on the interpretation of weather maps, climatic data, aerial photographs and topographic maps. In my face-to-face laboratory course, two afternoon field trips are required, but those field trips are skipped in my Temporary Distance Education remote course through Canvas.

GEOG 1L is accepted for credit by the University of California and the California State University system; GEOG 1L meets the physical science lab requirement for CSU GE and IGETC, and is a core requirement for the AA-T in Geography.


GEOG 1, which may be taken concurrently.


None--handouts will be provided in lab.


Click to view the Course Syllabus for Fall 2020:

Geography 1L-001, M, 2:10-5:00 p.m. (If the syllabus doesn't open, you can download it from my Resources page.)


Upon completion of this course a student will be able to:

  1. Investigate natural phenomena through a variety of scientific inquiry techniques associated with physical geography.

  2. Analyze and evaluate physical geographic data from the natural world.

  3. Apply scientific principles, theories, or models associated with physical geography to predict and explain the behavior of natural phenomena.

Students may also access the Learning Outcomes for this course by viewing the GEOG 1L Course Outline.


Click here for additional resources such as the course syllabus and useful Internet sites.