First Day Hand

Out Online

First Day Handout for the Online CNIT 120 & 420 Classe

The following are the requirements for getting a grade for this course:

1. Attendance: Since this is an online class, attendance and participation are measured differently. You will need to fulfill the following easy to perform tasks, in addition to your studies:

a. You will need to visit the Discussion Board at least once a week and post an article, a finding, a question or an answer to someone else’s question. At least, you should visit and log yourself in so that we may know that you have attended. This is in place of attendance. For class participation you will need to post some articles or answer someone else’s question.

b. You will need to complete all your assignments in a timely manner. You can try any assignment at least 3 times and the highest grade will apply. After an assignment expires, usually within one week, you CANNOT take that assignment. No exceptions!

c. If you do not complete two assignments in a row, ON TIME, I will drop you from the course.

d. Each assignment will be carrying a weight of approximately 7 points except week 1 (NOT chapter 1, which will be at 2 points.)

e. For online classes, the mid-term and the final tests will be based on the result of your assignments. Note: There will be no on-campus or online tests. The result of all the assignments will decide your grade.

2. The final grade will consist of four components as follows:

A. Attendance and class participation (see above): 30%

B. Mid-term and final grades will be based on the above formula and will count for: 70%

This is a credit course. There are no options for credit/no credit or pass/no pass. Only letter grades from “A” to “F” are allowed. Letter grades correspond to the following percentages:

92 to 100 A

80 to 91 B

70 to 79 C

60 to 69 D

59 and lower F

Office Hours: Please see my website. Online students are encouraged to communicate with me and each other by email.

Please email me to make an appointment. If you email me your phone number, I will try to call you back. I may also be available outside my regular office hours.

Important Note: To be successful in this course, you will need access to a Windows workstation -preferably XP workstation or higher. Using Macintosh is not recommended. This course is based on security in the Microsoft world which is the dominant business software. There is no guarantee that the exercises will work with Linux or Apple workstations.