First Day Hand Out

Face to Face

Instructor: Richard R. Taha


City College of San Francisco

First Day Handout for Face-to-Face Classes

The following are the requirements for getting a grade for this course:

1. Attendance: I will drop students who have missed the first and second class meetings in any semester. In addition, if a student is absent for two consecutive class days, he or she may be dropped. A minimum of Eighty Percent (80%) attendance is required for all classes. If you miss more than two classes, I may drop you from the course.

2. For online classes, the mid-term and the final tests will be based on completed and on-time assignments.

3. CNIT 101 Students will need to complete a basic networking project in groups of five or six. The instructor will assign the groups. Twenty percent of final grade will be based on completion of this project.

4. CNIT 131 Students will need to complete a website project in groups of five or six. The instructor will assign the groups. Twenty percent of final grade will be based on completion of this project.

5. The final grade will consist of four components as follows:

A. Attendance 20%

B. Class Participation 10%

C. Completing homeworks, if assigned,

classroom projects and quizzes 20%

D. Main project and Final Exam 50%

The Mid Term and Final exam will be 25 to 50 questions. Most questions will be multiple choice or True/False. However, some questions may require written answers.

As far as the exams, tests and homework are concerned, they will be from my lectures and the textbook. It is the students’ responsibility to take adequate notes during lecture time and be prepared for the tests.

This is a credit course. There are no options for credit/no credit or pass/nopass. Only letter grades from “A” to “F” are allowed. Letter grades correspond to the following percentages:

92 to 100 A

80 to 91 B

70 to 79 C

60 to 69 D

59 and lower F

Office Hours: Please see my website. Office hours are subject to change. Online students are encouraged to communicate with each other and me by email.

Please call or email me to make an appointment. I may also be available outside my regular office hours.

Important Note: For some classes you will need to use a separate computer. Alternatively, you could use a tool, such as VM, to create a new disk partition and the install a different edition of Windows on that partition. You could also try to use a Virtual management system to create a virtual partition.