Dear Class of 2020,

What a year to remember! When we first came together all the way back in August, I don’t think any of us could have predicted this year would turn out the way it did. I know it has had its challenges, but I am so thankful for going through this unprecedented time with all of you.

You entered Room 42 as cautious students, waiting to see what sixth grade had to offer, but you quickly came into your own, helping to bring our class together as a family. The thing I think of most when I think of this year is the laughter and quick smiles. Sixth grade is not easy, but you went after your learning with positive attitudes and took challenges and ran with them.

This year also gave you a chance to let your hearts shine. Your visits with the Brookdale buddies truly brightened their days and to see all of you enjoy them made my heart burst with joy. There is something so special about connecting across the generations and I’m thrilled you got to experience this. Your ideas to #makeKINDNESSloud at school and in the community were awesome and your Buddy Bench painting will be enjoyed for years to come at Baden-Powell.

I hope you all look back at this year and smile at what you DID get to do… the Getty Villa, class bazaar, Outdoor Science School, class projects and Kahoots… and not let those good memories be tainted by missing our regular routines at the end. Take what you have learned, go out into the world, and SHINE! You all have it in you!

Just keep smiling,

Miss Cox

Olbirat Hika

Sadeem Alabbadi

Ariana Alapati

Sebastian Cordero

Corella Covarrubias

John Delfin

Aileen Europa

AJ Hernandez

Lilian Hernandez

David Herrera Solano

Alana Johnson

Jesus Juarez

Paola Martinez

Jacob Medina

Arath Mejia Soria

Angel Menendez

Hayde Perez

Miguel Reyes

Nathen Rodriguez

Johanna Rosales

Emma Rose Rowan

Diego Salinas

Samantha Santana

Ismael Thiam

Tien Tran

Johnny Truong

Manu Uaisele

Lilian Vu

Erick Yanes

Christopher Yoc-Andrade