
Unit 1 - 6th Grade 

Spanish Unit 1 - 6th Grade

What are we learning?
Students are learning sounds of the Spanish alphabet, correct pronunciation, basic conversational speaking, listening, reading  and writing skills in the target language.

What to expect in this unit?

Students will learn to express and understand ideas on topics such as basic conversational Spanish, using numbers, letters of the alphabet, parts of the body, days of the week, and months of the year.

 Why does this unit matter?

 It will help prepare students to be successful Spanish language learners and to begin to build a strong knowledge of the basics to expand upon in 7th and 8th grade.

Spanish - 6th Grade

What are we learning?
Students are learning sounds of the Spanish alphabet, correct pronunciation, basic conversational speaking, listening, reading  and writing skills in the target language.

What to expect in this unit?

Students will learn to express and understand ideas on topics such as basic conversational Spanish, using numbers, letters of the alphabet, parts of the body, days of the week, months of the year and colors.

Why does this unit matter?

 It will help prepare students to be successful Spanish language learners and to begin to build a strong knowledge of the basics to expand upon in 7th and 8th grade. 

Special Project:

Students will also have the opportunity to choose a Spanish-speaking country to research and to present their findings to their classmates. This will give Westview students an opportunity to learn about other countries traditions and values and to help gain an appreciation and respect for the diverse cultures we get to see everyday.