
membership types.pdf

MAEA/NAEA Membership Fees

The Missouri Art Education Association is Affiliated with the National Art Education Association. Therefore, membership in MAEA includes membership to the national organization. Visit their website for links to art education resources and advocacy, as well as national conference information. 

                                        or contact Makayla Howard, Membership Chair at

Benefits of MAEA Membership

As a member of the largest Professional Learning Community for Visual Art Educators in Missouri, you will gain access to a wealth of art education and advocacy resources via a network of visual arts professionals.  MAEA provides an opportunity to attend two state conferences each year, one in the fall and one in the spring. These are a great way to earn your content area PD hours! Members also receive our bi-annual state publication, Show Me ART. NEW!! Access to Educate.Today with video PD, workshops and interviews.

MAEA District Map - 

Members are represented around the state by district. Locate your district on the map to the right. You may choose your district by the address you live in or the address you work in.

Each district has a district representative to help you with needs based on your locality. To find your district representative click here.

YAM District Map rev 2019.pdf