
Earning Your Best Grades in Middle School

Transitioning to middle school can be tough for many students. Academic expectations change; mastery of course material has a bigger emphasis. Middle school is the perfect time to learn and sharpen study skills so that students are ready for high school! Here are a few tips on how to do your best in middle school.

1. Follow Class Room Rules—each teacher may have a different set of classroom rules (they may be similar but worded a little differently). WWMS teachers' classrooms follow the Show Your BLUE Matrix. These rules help with classroom behavior so everyone can learn in a safe and learning-friendly environment

2. Go To Every Class—attendance is important, if you miss a class or a whole day of school you miss out on a lot

3. Sit In The Front Of The Class—it is easier to pay attention if you are right near a teacher, projector, etc (also don’t sit by your friend in class, you will be more likely to talk and not pay attention)

4. Ask Questions And Volunteer Answers In Class—don’t be afraid to ask a question, chances are that someone else in the class has the exact same question

5. Understand The Expectations Of Each Teacher—each teacher is different, get to know/understand each teacher’s rules, personality and teaching style

6. Get/Stay Organized—use your agenda (write down assignments), use a different binder for each class, have a separate homework folder (so it is all in one place), have classmates phone numbers (in case you have questions or miss an assignment), keep your locker and backpack neat, get organized before you go to bed

7. Use Your Time Wisely—use free time in class to work on assignments (as long as the teacher has given permission), have a study time, don’t let things (phone calls, etc) interrupt your homework/study time

8. Take Good Notes—teachers will often tell you, when giving notes, this is important or this will be on the test-make sure you highlight those notes, pay attention (listen to what they are saying and think about how it applies), take notes that you can read later (don’t scribble), look over your notes as soon as you can (this helps to retain the information), get copies of or borrow someone’s notes if you are absent

9. Use Your Textbooks—scan by reading bold words or words that are italics, look over the summaries, charts and review questions, review by scanning the material to check your comprehension

10. Follow Good Rules Of Writing—writing assignments are required by one or more classes, follow some simple steps to help with these assignments, organize your thoughts before writing (map out an outline), know the requirements/guidelines for the paper (footnotes, references, etc), write a draft (ask the teacher to look it over and give you some tips), rewrite/edit (it is a process to write a paper so please don’t think you will write it perfect on the first try!) so rewrite and edit, proofread (you can use spell check but have someone look over it, use a buddy system where you and a friend can switch papers and help each other out)

11. STUDY—look over notes on a daily basis (this way you are familiar with the information without having to do heavy duty studying at the last minute), practice good study habits (if you study regularly it won’t seem like a chore come test time), find out what the best way is for you to study (if you need silence, a little noise, in the kitchen or in your room), study with someone (either a friend or a parent, if it is a friend please remember to use this time to study and help each other), make sure you study before you go to hang out with someone, or call them on the phone (studying is an important tool to getting good grades, so get your studying done before you go out with friends)

12. Be A Good Test Taker—know what to expect (know content and even the types of questions that may be asked, such as true/false or multiple choice etc), read questions carefully (take your time), eliminate answers (especially multiple choice, cross out the ones you know don’t fit), pace yourself (know how much time you have and use it), ask questions (the teachers will not give you specific answers however they may be able to clarify something for you)


How to Get Organized

MAKE REMINDERS: Use separate notebooks/binders for each class. Write the name and room number for each class. Also write the teachers name and what time your class is. Please remember to write your own name in the notebook/binder too.

USE YOUR AGENDA! Use this to keep track of your assignments and when they are due. Take it to every class. Write down when you have tests also.

BE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND YOUR ASSIGNMENTS! If you have a questions about something for class make sure you ask, it is likely that other students may have the same question.

KEEP YOUR LOCKER NEAT! A messy locker can slow you down and make you late for class. Stopping to talk to friends at your locker can also make you late for class.

MAKE TIME FOR HOMEWORK! Set up a time each day to do your homework. Find a quiet place to work and get everything you need before you start your homework so you don’t have to stop to look for things (such as calculator, colored pencils, etc). Don’t take phone calls from friends during your homework time (have someone take a message and call them back later).


PREPARE THE NIGHT BEFORE! Check your agenda and make sure you have completed all assignments due the next day. Pack your book bag after you finish with your homework, so everything is ready to go the next day. Get your clothes ready before you go to bed.