Classroom Pictures

Theoretical/Experimental Probability, April 11th 2018

Students experimented to find an experimental probability with tossing a coin, flipping a Red/Yellow chip, and rolling a dice. They compared the difference between theoretical probability and experimental probability.

Why Pi??: National Pi day, March 14, 2018

Students measured the circumference and diameter of any circle or cylinder objects. They found the Pi, 3.14, with dividing.

Math & Art: Meet Piet Mondrian, February 2,2018.

Students learned the golden ratio and found the relationship between Mathematics and Art. They measured the scale and made their own Piet Mondrian Art by enlarge or reduce the size.

Slime (Proportional Reasoning) January 26,2018

Students made a slime with the textbook recipe: 1/2 cup of water, 1/2 cup of white glue, and Borax solution. They calculated the proportion to make a less amount than a textbook.

Christmas Door Decoration

with students' graph ornaments. Billy A. (6th grade) helped this decorations.

Linear Equation Activity (December 2, 2017) :Workbook page 90.

Students measured a metal washer's movement depending on the length of string. Students understood the independent value and the dependent value and drew a graph.

Thanksgiving Jenga

(Wednesday,November 23rd, 2017)

Each Jenga block had one step equation problem using inverse operation.

Halloween (Tuesday, October 31, 2017)

Students played the Mummy Bowling after volunteering to solve the question of distributive like terms.

1/2 Block Classwork

( September 5 - 8)

Integer operations using a number line

Show your BLUE! We are a TEAM! 3/4 Block : Paper Tower (August 18,2017)