Lab Blog

This week has mostly been me learning about the new meterials and getting familiar to everything we do in the lab. I watched video about basic fluid dynamics, learned the process of building a model and how to use the pump that I will be testing.

We finished the model that we worked on last week and set up for the experiment that we are going to run next week. The setup part is. actually harder and more complicated than I expected. Even though the lab is about fluid dynamics, students are still required to have the necessary engineering skill to build equipment.

We mainly worked on PIV and MRI this week. We used the lab set up that we worked on last week to wollected data about Particle Image Velocimetry inside the model. We also Used MRI to learn about the model better. I learned about how MRI works this week.

I mostly worked on the staight tube model this week. I started everything from 3D printing the core and than removed the support. After that, I bulit the acylic box and put the sillicone into it. I leave the silllicone to solidify over the weekend.

I finished the model this week but it didn't work because of the wrong proportion of silicone. I started on making a new one as well as designing a 3D part for another project related to MRI.

I successfully finished my first model this week. I turned out to be pretty successful.

I finished the 3D part this week and printed it. It is not perfect but works just fine. .

I started a new tube modle this week. It is a square one and I started from the very beginning by desiging it. I did everything but the silicone. I am going to finsh this next week.

I finished the square tube model this week and spent most of my time this week on PIV experiment. We first set everything up and did a few test on the model, than we did the calibration. After that we spend the entire day collecting data on the model.

Week 9

I designed a 3D components to help with the anariszm model this week. We also did a trial run with the hydrogel. I helped with the making of hydrogel and it's really fun.