Kroger Community Rewards Program
Kroger Community Rewards Program
Did you know that when you shop at Kroger with your Kroger Plus card, points that you earn can be used to support The Madison Chorale? It is easy to enroll!
Just go to the Kroger Community Rewards website and click on the orange box marked “Create an Account.” Complete the sign-in information and enter the 12-digit number printed on the back of your Kroger card. Click “Add Card” and look for the Community Rewards box. Hit “edit” and, in the box marked “Find Your Organization,” add the five-digit number assigned to The Madison Chorale - 93862. This allows
The Madison Chorale to significantly boost its income through your participation in the program. If you have questions, please contact Brenda Braidwood at 248-399-5953.
Thank you!