Frustration & Perfectionism

There is a pervasive myth that Advanced Learners (Talented and Gifted, etc) are well-behaved, independent learners. A teacher can just give them a task, and they do it. There are a few students like that, but the majority of Advanced Learners need more.

  • Some are paralyzed by the fear of failure or the need to be perfect. A blank page or a difficult task shuts them down.

  • Some get easily frustrated if a task takes effort.

  • Some get angry if they have to do group work. They take over the group or call the other members "stupid."

  • Some can't take turns. They blurt out answers and are constantly talking.

  • Some are twice exceptional (2e), in that they also have a disability.

  • And the list goes on. Each student has their own individual strengths and weaknesses. Don't assume that what you know about one will give you insight into another.

Are you sensitive? There are five different categories of "overexcitabilities" that Dabrowski outlined. One is sensory... do you need clothing tags removed? Lots of us do. Click here to read more.

A "talkaholic" checklist that I use with some of my older students:
