Concurrent Sessions & Workshops

NATC17 Concurrent sessions PRINT

Session and Workshop Descriptions

(Scroll to see descriptions)

9:00 - 9:30

1 - Fountain View - UnConference sessions (2 sessions--use two ends of the room)



2 - Lakeland

Movin' it over to Google Docs, Slides & Sheets

Presenter: Laura Prozan, New Hope Elementary

It's time to move away from Microsoft products and move on over to Google Docs, Slides and more. Everything we used to do in Microsoft products can be done with Google and it will simplify your life!

3 - Waterside

Using Canvas SpeedGrader App

Presenter: Mary Beth Boyett, Walnut Grove School

Want to use SpeedGrader on Canvas more? Come to this session and learn how to use the speedgrader app on your iPad. It makes grading so much easier.

4 - Island View

iMovie Count to 5 Project

Presenter: Jennifer Whitt, Sparkman Middle School

Come see an overview of a super simple iMovie project to use with your students.

5 - Bankside

SeeSaw: The Learning Journal

Presenter: Mary Catherine Dennis, Legacy Elementary

Seesaw: The Learning Journal is a fun, easy AND effective app to help increase student engagement in the classroom! It is an exciting way to help get students motivated to show off their learning. Students love being able to share their learning journals and receive positive feedback from their teacher, peers AND family!!!"

6 - Lakeshore

30 Things in 30 Minutes

Presenter: Melissa Mann, Moores Mill Intermediate School

Join Melissa for this fast paced session where she will share 30 different apps, extensions, sites etc. for integrating technology in the classroom and using technology for productivity

9:45 - 10:15

1 - Fountain View - UnConference sessions (2 sessions--use two ends of the room)



2 - Island View


Presenter: Amy Moore, Madison Cross Roads School

We will learn about the Chrome Store and how to add apps and extensions. Then the fun begins as we install several extensions and apps that will help with productivity and student engagement. Good for beginners and intermediate users of Chrome. Any device will work as we will be working in the Chrome web browser.

3 - Waterside

Canvas Management in Elementary Classrooms

Presenters: Laura McComb, Lynn Fanning Elementary & Shari Appel, Hazel Green Elementary

Canvas can be used for parent communication, assignments, quizzes, and discussions. Parents get a “window” view into their child’s classroom.

4 - Bankside

PaperScorer: A Time-Saving App for Canvas

Presenter: Tysha Douglass, Buckhorn Middle School

Come and experience creating a Canvas quiz and allowing Paperscorer to do the rest of the work. Not only will Paperscorer grade the quiz, it will also insert the scores into your Canvas grade book.

5 - Lakeland

S’MORE Newsletter to easily link all of your correspondence

Presenter: Carla Brown-

There is so much “S’more” you can do with an online newsletter--the “S’more” sites you utilize--the easier it will be to connect with all of them-all with the same S’more--at the same time--which updates all of them automatically.

6 - Lakeshore

Nearpod - You want "Active Student Engagement"

Presenter: Shemika Stinnett, Legacy Elementary School

..... make your ordinary power point come to life so your students can be actively engaged! Flip your lesson with this GREAT tech tool so there will never be another dull lesson in your classroom!

10:30 - 11:00

1 - Fountain View - UnConference sessions (2 sessions--use two ends of the room)



2 - Bankside

Google Read and Write

Amber Bryant and Kathy Williams, New Hope High School

Come learn how Google Read and Write can help struggling readers in all content areas.

3 - Waterside

Digital Resources from the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology

Presenter: Dr. Adam M. Hott, HudsonAlpha Institute

Imagine students using their smartphone to study cells. Come see the FREE digital resources available from The HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology. Picture interactive technologies that help students see science as a process. Visualize an easy way to stay current with biotechnology research. Suppose you had a set of high quality video clips that helped you incorporate cutting edge content. These FREE digital resources from the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology will help you do that and more.

4 - Island View

Canvas Quizzes for Beginners

Presenters: Natalie Lane & Eurika Foster, Riverton Intermediate School

This workshop will cover the basics of making and assigning quizzes in Canvas. We will also look at using Problem Attic to make tests and quizzes and how to import them into Canvas to help make your life easier!

5 - Lakeshore

Apple Teacher Certification

Presenter: Benita Moyers, Mt. Carmel Elementary School

Are you interested in becoming an Apple Certified Teacher? Join us for an overview of the program. We will take some time to begin your account, learn about the badges, and begin one of the tests so you can earn your first badge. You will need an IPad, laptop or other device that connects to the internet in order to participate. This program will help you understand the different apps and tools that actively engage your students as well as help you with productivity.

6 - Lakeland

Symbaloo and You

Presenter: Wendy Davis

Symbaloo is a great way to have all of your websites organized into one area. Students can go to your symbaloo page and have everything in a tiled format where they can simply click on a tile and it takes them directly where they need to go. No misspelled websites ever again!

11:15 - 11:45

1 - Fountain View - UnConference sessions (2 sessions--use two ends of the room)



2 - Waterside

Let Google Drive Your Classroom

Presenter: Laura Prozan

Life is so much easier when you move everything to your Google Drive. Let’s “Move it Move it!”

3 - Lakeland

Google Tips (Using Google Keep, Forms, and Calendar)

Presenter: Melissa Mann, Moores Mill Intermediate School

Join Melissa for a quick overview of some tips for using these Google Tools in your classroom this year to help with formative assessment and organization.

4 - Bankside

Gamify Your Canvas Course with Badges

Presenter: Jennifer Whitt, Sparkman Middle School

Are you looking to gamify your Canvas course? Do you want to award badges to students who complete learning objectives? In this session, you will learn all of the necessary steps needed to create badges in your own courses. Throughout the course we will discuss gamification to enhance learning as well as share additional ideas to add engage students online. This course uses Canvabadges as the badge awarding platform.

5 - Island View

Make Videos on Chromebooks? Why Yes, You Can.

Presenter: Ginger Henshaw, Central School

Learn how to use Spark ( to create videos for classroom use. Empower yourself and your students by learning to use this website as a publishing tool.

6 - Lakeshore

FlipGrid FEVER!

Presenter: Tina McKenzie

Flipgrid is a video platform used by over 30,000 teachers to ignite classroom discussions and promote social learning. In Flipgrid, teachers post discussion topics to which students respond with videos, providing every student an equal voice, increasing retention, and encouraging peer-led learning.


Fountain View - DOOR PRIZES

LUNCH ON YOUR OWN (Cafeteria or local restaurants)

1:30 - 3:00 Hands-on Workshops

1 - Fountain View

Proper Use of the Internet for Teachers

Presenter: Ashley McClain,

Need a description!

2 - Island View

All About Canvas Quizzes

Presenter: Ashleigh Salvo, New Market School

This workshop will give an overview of Canvas Quizzes including different question types, quiz settings, question settings, adding urls and videos, and grading. Participants will create a quiz in this hands-on workshop, so please bring your device!

3 - Waterside

Project Based Learning Using Technology

Presenter: Andrea White, Riverton Intermediate School

This workshop will provide teachers with useful technology tools, apps, and resources that give students an opportunity to create products that “show what they know”. Project based learning allows students to either work independently or collaborate with others as they design a product that a teacher can use as a formative and/or summative assessment measure. The technology tools that will be shared at this workshop are very student-friendly; they are free, web-based, and can be used as product-based tools across the curriculum.

4 - Lakeland

Make Canvas Your Masterpiece

Presenter: Johnita Romine, Hazel Green High School

This workshop is designed for those who can't even draw a straight line. We will begin with navigating through the various tools and end up with ways to turn your online classroom into a work of art. Canvas is very user friendly when you have the correct brushes and paints to create a masterpiece.

5 - Bankside

Google Earth/Maps

Presenter: Cyndee Jenkins, Madison Cross Roads School

Need a description!

6 - Lakeshore

Putting the “T” in STEM

Presenter: Tina McKenzie, Endeavor Elementary School

Using technology to teach STEM. There are numerous websites and tools available to enhance science education. Come and explore!