League of Legends

MACU Esports

League of Legends - 2023 Fall

Left to right: Alex Shell, Chris Swinney, John Gia (Team Captain), Ethan Davidson, Tristin Barton

Not shown: Christian Martinez & Caroline Davis

Fall 2022 - NECC Navigators South Season Champions

League of Legends Schedule - 2023 Fall

September 13th - NECC Activation Week 1

September 20th - NECC Activation Week 2

September 27th - NECC

October 10th - NECC

October 18th - NECC

October 25th - NECC

November 1st - NECC

November 15th - NECC Quarterfinals

November 29th - NECC Semifinals

December 6th - NECC Finals

John Gia

(Team Captain)

Junior - Accounting and Ethics
Oklahoma City, OK

Alex Shell

Masters - Business Administration
 Oklahoma City, OK

Tristin Barton

Senior - Elementary Education
Woodward, OK

Ethan Davidson

Senior - Biology
Moore, OK

Chris Swinney

Senior - Mathematics/Business Admin Multidisciplinary
Dallas, TX

Caroline Davis

Senior - Psychology
Norman, OK

Christian Martinez

Freshman - Cybersecurity
Oklahoma City, OK

John Gia

(Team Captain)

Sophomore - Accounting and Ethics
Oklahoma City, OK

What brought you to MACU?

The esports program at MACU is what brought me here. I was actually accepted into OSU, but they did not have esports. Luckily, Coach Peaslee reached out to me, and I am very grateful to MACU for letting me experience collegiate esports.

What has been one of your most memorable experiences on the varsity League of Legends team?

During the first two weeks that I was on the team, the most memorable moment was when my teammates voted me Team Captain. It was crazy to me because I had only known them for a few days. This made a big impression on me, and for now it will be crowned the most memorable moment for me.

What drives you to get better?

I have been playing League since Season 6. I've always wanted to be able to play at a competitive level. That is what drove me to climb the ladder. Right now being on a team, I want to win. To do that, I have to get much better than I am now. Being able to close the gaps between me and the best players keeps me motivated to keep grinding.

What is something you have enjoyed about being in MACU Esports?

The community in MACU Esports is very tight. It's great to be able to express my gamer side with some great people from the team. Sometimes it feels as though I came to MACU to spend some quality time in the lounge with some great people.

Ethan Davidson

Senior - Biology
Moore, OK

Ethan has been playing League of Legends since 2012. He says, "I want to improve because of my enjoyment of the game and overcoming barriers. I enjoy the close-knit group we have in esports." Ethan is one of MACU's original varsity members and joined MACU Esports in the fall of 2020. He has participated in the League of Legends team and Super Smash Bros. team and consistently places high in the rankings in MACU on-campus Smash tournaments as well as a few local events.

Tristin Barton

Junior - Elementary Education
Woodward, OK

"I’ve played these titles competitively for about three years now. I’m still learning and growing as a person. To improve my play, I practice with top-tier players as often as possible. I also practice a hook drill, too. This semester, I want to have a a better win rate and climb to the Elo I belong in. I appreciate that my teammates talk to me; they want me to be better than I think I’m capable. They push me past my limits, which causes me to grow. For high schoolers, start early. If you start early, you will be developed and ready for competitive play at any level you desire." - Tristin Barton

Caroline Davis

Sophomore - Psychology
Norman, OK

How long have you been playing your esports title competitively?

I have been playing esports competitively for two years.

What is something you do to improve?

A way I improve is taking advantage of the practice tool in my sport and making sure to play with people who are better then me.

What is a goal you have in esports this semester?

Some goals I have in esports for this semester are playing more ranked games and getting better at other lanes.

What is something that you appreciate in a teammate?

Some things I admire in a teammate are humbleness, being able to win and lose gracefully, and being open and honest.

What advice do you have for high school students who are interested in esports?

You need to practice and discipline yourself, because it takes as much time and effort as any other sport—but also don’t let it take over your life. Definitely sleep...and invest in blue-light glasses!