Welcome to IT @ Mac.Rob.

ICT Support at Mac.Rob can assist you with your computer problems. We issue and setup student laptops, troubleshoot email accounts, and can help provide information about Compass.

IT Specialist Technicians, Chris Sloan and Simon Zhang, are available to assist you between 8:00am and 4:30pm, Monday to Friday.

As technical issues may occur unexpectedly, please be patient if they are away from their desks. To request help for an IT issue, please email support@macrob or click the button below.

Chris Sloan

Specialist Technician

Simon Zhang

Specialist Technician

IT Information for Families.

BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Information.

At Mac.Rob, we allow you to bring your own computing device to use during the school day. It is an expectation that all students have a device to work on, the students must provide their own.

In the event you forget your laptop at home, or your laptop is damaged, a limited number of laptops can be loaned to students through the Mac.Rob Learning Resource Centre and Library. These devices are for short-term loan, however, and cannot replace a student's device indefinitely.

If you do not have a laptop, and believe you may be eligible for funding for a device, please visit the Financial Aid for Families page to see a range of grants and scholarships offered by the DET.

Device Requirements:

Please ensure that your chosen device is portable and sturdy, and that it has the following features:

We discourage students from using iPads and Chromebooks as their school device, as these have compatibility issues with the school network. Examples of compatible devices can be found here: Windows and MacOS.

Digital Services at Mac.Rob:

Your username and temporary password will be emailed to you in January, 2022. When you are connected at Mac.Rob, you will have access to:

You will also have support from our dedicated IT team, who are located in K2.11 (Level 2, Kingsway Building).

➲ About Compass.

Mac.Rob utilises a program called Compass as our whole-school integrated administration platform. It is used to see your child's timetable, attendance, and Chronicle feed, and to provide permission and/or payments for excursions and camps. Families will also find essential School Documentation folders on Compass, which contain quick links to policy, process, and handbook information.

The Compass Newsfeed is also a source of important information, and the primary point of contact between the school and all staff, students, and families. It is used for:

Families may receive notifications via email about new posts from Principals and Year Level Coordinators.  It is an expectation that all students, staff, and families use Compass as part of their day-to-day routines, and engage with each of its relevant functions as necessary.

More information about using Compass at Mac.Rob can be found here.

Compass Questions & Answers for Parents.pdf

➲ About Google Guardian.

Mac.Rob utilises the suite of Google learning resources included as part of Google Workspaces. As part of these resources, families have the option of becoming a Google Guardian, and have additional access and insight into your child's learning at school.

This handy Guide provides more information about the suite of resources available as part of Google Workspaces, as well as how being a Google Guardian can help you better engage with your child's learning.

More information about using Google Guardian at Mac.Rob can be found here.

Google Guardians Guide Directory (2023).pdf

Education Resources: