Student Dress Code Policy.

School uniform is a visible sign of the school as an entity and of the individual student's membership of a school.  The wearing of school uniform symbolises both the wish to belong to the school and pride in the school and its traditions. Students at Mac.Rob accept the responsibility to wear the school uniform as approved by the School Council on all occasions when they are representing the school, and in a manner which will bring credit to the school.

Parents are expected to provide active support of the school's uniform policy. The school is happy to accommodate cultural needs of students.

The school blazer must be worn to and from school, except on days of exceptional heat. The jumper should not be worn as an outer garment to and from school.

Student Dress Code (2023).pdf

Late Arrival Process.

This process was updated in Term 2, 2024.

For the majority of students, the day commences with Period 1 at 8:30am. Our highest priority is for students to arrive safely at school with a calm disposition that allows for the most-productive learning experience. Part of a student’s responsibility at Mac.Rob is to value punctuality to ensure that learning time is not lost.

Navigating the public transport system can be a challenge, especially for new Year 9 students. We advise families and students to plan their journey together to ensure that students arrive well ahead of the start of the school day.

When a student is late to school, they are also then late to class. Loss of learning time is a significant contributor to declines in learning confidence, connection to peers, and - over a long span of time - may impact achievement in subjects due to gaps in learning.

The process embedded on this page outlines the school’s approach to support students to be at school on time for all classes.

Late Arrivals Process | Updated (Term 2, 2024).pdf

Mobile Phone Policy.

The Mac.Robertson Girls’ High School understands that students may bring a personal mobile phone to school, particularly if they are travelling independently to and from school. At Mac.Rob:

Personal mobile phone use.

In accordance with the Department’s Mobile Phones Policy issued by the Minister for Education, personal mobile phones must not be used at Mac.Rob during school hours, including lunchtime and recess, unless an exception has been granted. Read the full policy for more information.

Mobile Phone Policy (2023).pdf