Welcome to ICT Support at Mac.Rob.

ICT Support at Mac.Rob can assist you with computer problems, issue and reformat staff laptops, troubleshoot classroom projectors and TVs, and resolve wireless internet issues.

IT support staff, Chris Sloan and Alex Stevens, are available to assist you between 8:00am and 4:30pm, Monday to Friday.

The Communications Officer, Jack Richardson, is available to assist you between 8:00am and 4:30pm, Monday-Tuesday and Thursday-Friday.

The ICT Office is located in K2.11, Level 2, Kingsway Building. As technical issues may occur unexpectedly, please be patient if they are away from their desks. To request help for an IT issue, please click the button below.

Chris Sloan

IT Support

Alex Stevens

IT Support

Jack Richardson


To request IT assistance, click here:

Please include as much information about your issue as possible, including your room / location (if applicable) or screenshots of error messages.


Staff & Student Access

All staff and students have access to the school network and internet. Devices should look for MGHS in their list of available networks, and connect using their email credentials:

For detailed instructions about connecting to the network, please see the Connecting to the WiFi Guide. If you need to reset your password, please contact ICT.

Printing (BYOD)

Follow these guides for Apple  or Windows laptops to install the printers. You can release your print job with your manually using your username and password or your Compass card at any photocopier in the school. If you require a replacement Compass card, please contact ICT.