Early Childhood

Nurturing Early Childhood Growth

In this exciting course, you'll unravel the mysteries of child development, discovering how tiny minds grow and blossom. Learn the art of creating engaging and playful environments that spark curiosity and foster learning. Dive into the fundamentals of storytelling, arts, and games that captivate young imaginations. Explore the magic of guiding children through their first steps of socialization and self-discovery. Students will get first hand experience working in our Pipecreek elementary school.  From understanding developmental milestones to promoting a nurturing atmosphere, early childhood education is your key to unlocking the secrets of helping little ones thrive and creating a positive impact on their formative years. 

**Indicates Future Course Offering

Course Offerings

Principles of Early Childhood Education


Grade: 9, 10, 11

Semesters: 2 semester course, 2 semesters required, 1 credit per semester, 2 credits maximum 

Required Prerequisites: None 

This course provides students with an overview of skills and strategies necessary to successfully complete a certificate. Additionally, it provides an overview of the history, theory, and foundations of early childhood education as well as exposure to types of programs, curricula and services available to young children. This course also examines basic principles of child development, Developmentally Appropriate Practices (DAP), importance of family, licensing, and elements of quality care of young children with an emphasis on the learning environment related to health, safety, and nutrition. Students may be required to complete observations and field experiences with children as part of this course. Counts as a directed elective or elective for all diplomas

Course#  -DOE #7160 

Early Childhood Education Curriculum


Grade: 10, 11, 12

Semesters: 2 semester course, 2 semesters required, 1 credit per semester, 2 credits maximum

Required Prerequisites: Principles of Early Childhood Education

Early Childhood Education Curriculum examines developmentally appropriate environments and activities in various childcare settings while exploring the varying developmental levels and cultural backgrounds of children. Students may be required to complete observations and field experiences with children as part of this course. ● Recommended Grade(s): 10, 11, 12 ● Required Prerequisites: Principles of Early Childhood Education. Counts as a directed elective or elective for all diplomas.

Course#  -DOE #7158 

Early Childhood Education Guidance**


Grade: 10, 11, 12

Semesters: 2 semester course, 2 semesters required, 1 credit per semester, 2 credits maximum

Required Prerequisites: Principles of Early Childhood Education

This course allows students to analyze developmentally appropriate guidance, theory and implementation for various early care and education settings. It also provides a basic understanding of the anti-bias/multicultural emphasis in the field of early childhood. Students may be required to complete observations and field experiences with children as part of this course. ● Recommended Prerequisites: None ● ● Counts as a directed elective or elective for all diplomas 269 Indiana Department of Education High School

Course#  -DOE#7159 

Education Professions Capstone**


Grade: 11, 12

Semesters: 2 semester course, 2 semesters required, 1-3 credits per semester, 6 credits maximum

Required Prerequisites: Principles of Early Childhood Education; Early Childhood Curriculum; Early Childhood Guidance

This course will prepare students to complete the application, CDA exam, and verification process for the Child Development Associate (CDA) credential. Students may also study the physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and moral development of children from conception to age twelve. Theories of child development, biological and environmental foundations, prenatal development, the birth process, and the newborn baby will be discussed. Additionally, students will explore the aspects of early literacy skill development in young children from birth through third grade. Students will explore techniques, technological tools and other learning opportunities that encourage positive attitudes in children regarding listening, speaking, reading and writing activities. In the course, students will research, examine and explore the use of observation in screening and assessment to promote healthy literacy development in early childhood education. Finally, students will be provided an introduction to caring for each exceptional child. This includes theories and practices for producing optimal developmental growth. Students may be required to complete observations and field experiences with children as part of this course. Counts as a Directed Elective or Elective for all diplomas.

Course#  -DOE#7259 

Courses Instructed By

Mrs. Lori Rodkey

Family and Consumer Science Instructor

ext: 5531


Mrs. Angela Johnson

Early Childhood Director

ext: 2635
