Computer Networking

Making Your Way In the Digital World

Dive into a technology career path with a focus on computer skills and networking! It's not just about using gadgets; it's unlocking the code that powers our world. Learn to navigate the language of computers, create digital wonders, and understand the magic behind apps and websites. 

From basic computer knowledge, hardware repair, and learning how the Internet functions, technology is everywhere! Add to this the introduction to the field of Cybersecurity (one of the most in-demand technology fields) and an introduction to computer science and software principles, you are on your way to a great career in technology.

With Computer Networking skills at your fingertips,  you're going to become an architect of the future!  Make this part of your future - enroll today!

Course Offerings

Digital Applications and Responsibility


Grade: 9-10-11-12

Semesters: 1

Credits: 1, Dual Credit through IVY TECH if students successfully pass Accuplacer, CINS 101


The course prepares students to use computer technology in an effective and appropriate manner.  Students develop knowledge of word processing, spreadsheets, presentation and communications software.  Students establish what it means to be a good digital citizen and how to use technology appropriately.

ELECTIVE, WC(3.0)                             Course# 504H - DOE# 4528 

Introduction To Computer Science


Grade: 9,10,11, 12

Semesters: 1 

Credits: 1

Introduction to Computer Science allows students to explore the world of Computer Science.  Students will gain a broad understanding of the areas composing Computer Science.  Additionally, there will be a focus on the areas of computer programming, gaming/mobile development, and artificial intelligence/robotics

ELECTIVE      Course #516H – DOE# 4803 

Principles of Computing


Grade: 9-10-11

Semesters: 2

Credits: 2, Dual Credit through IVY TECH, INFM 109

Prerequisite: None

Principles of Computers and Informatics introduces students to terminology, concepts, theory and fundamental skills used to implement information systems. Topics include the history and trends of computing, operating systems, database technology, security, cloud implementations and other concepts associated with applying the principles of good information management to the organization. Additionally, students will be introduced to algorithms, logic development and flowcharting as tools used to document computer logic through the use of basic scripting and simple programming code.

ELECTIVE, WC(3.0)                   Course #499/499H - DOE# 7183 

Information Technology Fundamentals


Grade: 10-11-12

Semesters: 2

Credits: 2 

Required Prerequisite: Principles of Computers and Informatics 

This course allows students to explore how computers work.  Students learn the functionality of hardware and software components as well as suggested best practices in maintenance and safety issues.  Through hands-on activities and labs, students learn how to assemble and configure a computer, install operating systems and software, and troubleshoot hardware and software problems.

ELECTIVE, WC(3.0)                       Course# 510H/511H - DOE# 7182 

Computer Networking Fundamentals


Grades: 10-11-12

Semesters: 2

Credits: 2, Dual Credit through IVY TECH, NETI 109

Required Prerequisite: Information Technology Fundamentals, Recommended GPA of a C (5.0) 

This course introduces students to concepts of local and wide area networks, home networking, networking standards using the IEEE/OSI model, network protocols, transmission media and network architecture/topologies.  Security and data integrity will be introduced and emphasized throughout this course.  The purpose of this course is to offer students the critical information needed to successfully move into a role as an IT professional supporting networked computers.  Concepts covered will include TCP/IP client administration, planning a network topology, configuring the TCP/IP protocol, managing network clients, configuring routers and hubs as well as creating a wireless LAN.

ELECTIVE, WC(3.0)                       Course# 510H/511H - DOE# 7182 

Computer Networking Capstone


Grades: 11-12

Semesters: 2

Credits: 2, Dual Credit through IVY TECH

Required Prerequisite: Information Technology Fundamentals, Recommended GPA of a C (5.0) 

Networking Capstone includes hands-on lab work, and a wide array of assessment types and tools. The course covers the architecture, components, and operations of routers and switches in small networks and introduces wireless local area networks (WLAN) and security concepts. Students learn how to configure and troubleshoot routers and switches for advanced functionality using security best practices and resolve common issues with protocols in both IPv4 and IPv6 networks. The course also emphasizes network security concepts and introduces network virtualization and automation. Students learn how to configure, troubleshoot, and secure enterprise network devices and understand how application programming interfaces (API) and configuration management tools enable network automation.

ELECTIVE, Weighted Course (3), Course#512H/513H DOE# 7251

Meet the Instructors

Mr. Michael Fenters

Business Instructor

ext: 5602