Events & Opportunities


More coming soon!

Educational Opportunities  

Complete Certificate Opportunities 

Learners will receive a completion certificate at the end of these modules and are eligible for the Student Experience Record

Non-Certificate Learnings

These modules provide helpful information, but learners will not receive a completion certificate. 

Preventative Stress 

Welcome to Preventative Stress Management! The following modules have been created to introduce you to all things 'stress'. What is it? Where does it come from? How does it show up in our lives? And how can I build self-care strategies to help me cope with stress if and when it arises? 

This workshop was developed and shared by NorQuest Wellness for MacEwan University students. 

Click the link to access this workshop: Preventative Stress Management Online Learning Module 

Intro to Mental Health 

The Intro to Mental Health workshop has been created as an introduction to mental health. What is it, how can we tell if our mental health might be declining, and where can we go for support? 

This workshop was developed and shared by NorQuest Wellness for MacEwan University students.  

Click the link to access this workshop: Intro to Mental Health Online Learning Module

Intro to Time Management 

In the Intro to Time Management workshop you will learn all things time ans task management! The ability to manage your schedule effectively is a learned skill that can help to keep all aspects of your life organized. In this workshop, we'll discuss different strategies that you can implement to stay on-top of tasks, and plan your days and weeks effectively. 

This workshop was developed and shared by NorQuest Wellness for MacEwan University students.  

Click the link to access this workshop: Intro to Time Management Online Learning Module 

Tackling Test Anxiety

Tests and exams can be the source of worry and stress for many of us. In this workshop, we explore what exactly test anxiety is, what the symptoms we may feel are, how we can learn to reframe anxiety in a positive way, and tools to cope with it when it comes up. 

**Please note that this link has not yet been updated with MacEwan University resources, however, the content is still available through NorQuest. 

Click the link to access this workshop: Tackling Test Anxiety Online Learning Module 

Grief & Loss

This introduction to understanding grief and loss can help create a common understanding of each. Take some time to learn more about grief and loss and where you can find supports. 

This workshop was developed and shared by NorQuest Wellness for MacEwan University students. 

Click the link to access this workshop: Grief & Loss Online Learning Module 

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