Macalester Sexy Education

Welcome to the Sexy Portal! Here you can find out more about what Sexy is, as well as access the resources we provide: Safer Sex Kits, handouts related to sex, recorded trainings sessions and more!

What is Sexy?

Sexy is a student-led program out of the Hamre Center for Health and Wellness designed to create a shared culture of sexual respect on Macalester's campus. Every fall, student trainers teach the basics of sexual health and consent to all first-years. Our program strives to be inclusive of all gender identities and expressions and sexual orientations. Sexy also hosts events related to sexual health and respect throughout the year. We know that not all Mac students are having sex; but knowledge is important for now, the future, and for helping a friend in need.

Meet Our Trainers:


he/him, '21

Hi! My name Gabe Fisch (he/him), I grew up in and around Milwaukee, WI, I love talking about sexual health and consent, and I love to spend my free time outside (by the beach, hiking, camping, biking, etc.).


she/her, '22

I am from Minneapolis, MN. I am a Political Science Major. My favorite part of being a Sexy Trainer is learning more about sexual health and the conversations I get to have! I am on the Varsity Volleyball team and a board member of SAAC


they/them, '22

I'm a chemistry major from Colorado. My favorite part of sexy is the events we put on through out the year!


she/her, '22

From Eugene, Oregon! Biology major and data science minor. I love plants and ultimate frisbee. My favorite part of being a sexy trainer is hosting super cool events!! Fun fact: I can't swim.


she/her, '23

Hey there! I am from Huntington Woods, Michigan and I study geography, creative writing, and environmental studies. I love being a sexy trainer because I love connecting with Macalester folks and having open dialogues about sex and relationships. In my free time, I love to run, swim, write letters, and bake earl grey tea cake. For a fun fact, this summer I visited 7 states in 7 days.


she/her, '23

Hey! I'm Siri and I'm an Economics major from Northfield, MN. I enjoy hiking and all things women's sports.


she/they, '23

Hey I'm Phia! I'm a Philosophy major from Brookline, MA. I love consent and the Fox hit series "The Masked Dancer."


he/him '23

Hey! My name is Jarrett and I’m from Grinnell, Iowa. I’m a neuroscience major. This will be my first year as a Sexy Trainer and I am so so excited to jump in and be a part of this group! In my free time, I can usually be found in the pool swimming or baking cheesecakes in the kitchen. :)


she/her, '23

Hello! I’m from Portland and have two cats and two little sisters. I like to sew and play volleyball.


he/they, '23

I’m from Portland, OR, and I’m an International Studies major and a Community and Global Health Concentrator. My favorite part of being a sexy trainer is connecting with new Mac students! I like to read and boulder, and a fun fact is that I sang in a concert with Ryan Gosling when I was 8!


she/her, '23

My name is Louise and I’m from Des Moines Iowa! I am a junior studying American Studies and Biology, as well as the Community and Global health concentration. I am excited to be a sexy trainer this year in order to teach (and learn more myself) about comprehensive and liberating sexual education. In my free time i like to give people tattoos!!


he/she/they '24

I’m from Austin, TX, and I’m a psychology and studio art double major. I like taking long walks and looking at birds, and I’m really good at balancing things on my head.


she/her, '24

Hi! I'm Mayana! I'm from Madison, Wisconsin and I am currently a sociology and linguistics major. I enjoy baking (especially since I grew up in a bakery), reading and whitewater kayaking :)

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