Useful Resources

HOSLAC (History of Science in Latin America and the Caribbean)

A database of primary sources for the history of science in the region, hosted by the University of New Hampshire.

História, Ciências, Saúde – Manguinhos (History, Sciences, Health – Manguinhos)

The English-language web page for one of the best journals on the history of science, medicine, and public health in Latin America. To go straight to searching the academic journal articles, click here.

Oxford Research Encyclopedias: Global Public Health and Latin American History

Helpful research articles on an array of topics by scholarly experts; one of the inspirations for our own project. Some articles may require a subscription while others are open-access.

PAHO Institutional Memory

Gateway to research databases for the Pan American Health Organization, including technical papers, official documents, and Pan American Journal of Public Health articles, dating back to the early 1900s.

Rockefeller Foundation: A Digital History

Digitized archives of the Rockefeller Foundation, a US philanthropy that shaped public health in Latin America in the early twentieth century.

Soberanía Sanitaria

Spanish-language blog and journal, published in Argentina, on health policy and politics.

U.S. National Library of Medicine Digital Prints and Photographs Collection

Searchable images from the history of medicine and public health, mostly from the US, but many from Latin America.