About this Project

This project was initially developed in Spring 2019 by students in the course Public Health in Latin America, led by Eric D. Carter at Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. Student authors were responsible for research, writing, peer-to-peer editing, and web design. Eric Carter did editing and web design. The website was created using Google Sites, and first published to the web on May 9, 2019.

Recommended citation style for articles from this web guide:

Author, A. A. (2019). Title of article. In E.D. Carter (Ed.), Public Health in Latin America: A Scholarly Research Guide. Retrieved from https://sites.google.com/macalester.edu/phla

For example:

Jorgensen, A. (2019). Yellow Fever in Panama. In E.D. Carter (Ed.), Public Health in Latin America: A Scholarly Research Guide. Retrieved from https://sites.google.com/macalester.edu/phla

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