Class of 1972

Greetings, Macalester Class of 1972!

Did you ever think you’d be contemplating attending your 50th college reunion? If you’re like most of us, the answer is NO. You may have thought, “Why would I want to take time to relive something so long ago?” Or maybe you thought, “When I get to that point, why should I care?”

Over the last year, as a cross section of our class has come together–sometimes in person and sometimes by Zoom–and we’ve seen first-hand the power of reunion.

Maybe it’s the fact that we’ve just been through two years of change and isolation we couldn’t have foreseen. Maybe it’s seeing the pictures on Facebook and remembering where all that energy came from to raise families, pursue careers, stay committed to our communities and committed to making our world better.

Regardless, we think we speak for our entire Class of ’72 Reunion Planning Committee when we say, shake off that skepticism. Put aside that doubt and “overthinking.”  During our 50th Reunion, we urged to you all to reunite you but moreover, we urged you to to reconnect you to the things, ideas, and places that made you who you are. We had laughs, hugs, thought-provoking conversations, and inspiration–not just from the college but from the people who shared that crucial era that made such a difference in your life.  

Paul Olson and Anne Lewis

Co-chairs, Class of 1972 50th Reunion