Golden Scots Induction Ceremony

The Class of 1971 celebrated a long-awaited Golden Scots Society Induction on Friday, June 3, 2022 on the occasion of our 51st Reunion. The society honors all alumni who have achieved their 50th reunion milestone as alumni of the college. This year we celebrate the Class of 1971 who would have been inducted in 2021 but couldn’t return to campus because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Macalester College community is connected through alumni who have shared in the special experience of a Macalester liberal arts education. The Golden Scots Society represents a rich collection of traditions, friendships, and memories. The college celebrates your membership in the Golden Scots Society and thanks you for your affection, loyalty, and support over the years.

To view the memorial slideshow with music, please click on the arrow in the top right corner of the second item below.

Thanks to the Golden Scots Planning Committee

Bill Adams ’71, Chair
