Kitten and Puppies Wellness Check-ups and Vaccine

Use this appointment for any vaccination/dewormer appointments for any foster kittens. If your litter includes a mother, please bring her to this exam

Please schedule this appointment on or after the due date, which is normally 14 days from the previous exam. Vaccines and dewormers cannot be done early, so please check your due date and schedule on or in the days directly after.

Bring along your weight charts and a fresh fecal sample to every appointment.

This is not a medical appointment and if you have medical concerns with your foster pets please contact your Foster Coordinators.  Please bring the kittens in a crate or carrier, their daily weight recordings, and a fresh fecal sample to all kitten exams or returns or drop it off in the days leading up to the exam.

Exams are by appointment only! You should be given a due date for their next exam upon pick-up of your foster. Please, use Calendly to schedule your appointment on or shortly after the due date. We cannot do treatments and vaccines early, but we also don’t want them to fall behind. Calendly will send you an invite for your personal calendar, reminders for your upcoming appointment, and a follow-up email where you can schedule your next appointment immediately!

Check out our Exam Schedule Cheat Sheet at the bottom! 

Kitten and Puppies Graduation 

What is a Graduation?

A foster graduation is when they get to come back to the center and be adoptered (or you are able to adopt your foster pet)!

In order to graduate, kittens and puppies must be healthy, 60 days old, and must have a recent negative fecal test (for kittens they need to be approx. 2lb. in weight). The negative result must be in the 5 days preceding graduation, due to the high prevalence of nonsymptomatic coccidia infections and reoccurrences. You can drop off a sample a few days before or bring it with you to their appointment. Coccidia can be sneaky and hide in the most beautiful little poops, but these are carriers and can make other kittens who have a less developed immune system very sick. 

If your pet does not pass their final exam, we’ll discuss a treatment plan so they’re ready to graduate at their next appointment! If your foster pet(s) pass the final exam, they get to Graduate! You have the option of participating in the Graduation photo or just a private goodbye. 

The kittens stay at LHS for adoption and live in our "kitten rooms" or hall condos. They will have a BLAST playing with the other kittens and being doted upon by our many guests. The puppies will go into our puppyville cubes! This way they're immediately available to adopters, and many find their new homes very quickly!

Please, use Calendly to schedule your appointment  

Medical Appointments

Medical appointments should be scheduled when possible. Our amazing veterinarians and medical staff are tending to the medical needs of all the pets in our center and foster care. At any one time that can be between 500-1200 pets! Non-emergent medical concerns should be communicated with a Foster  Coordinator who will schedule a time for them to be seen by the medical team. 

This is not an appointment that uses Calendy; if you have medical concerns with your foster pets please contact your Foster Coordinators. 

Walk-ins should be reserved for emergencies. If fosters arrive with a non-emergent medical concern without an appointment there may be a considerable wait depending on the day. We value both your time spent waiting and the capacity of our staff, so we may reschedule you for an appointment at the next availability or have you drop off the pet to be picked up once examined. Emergent concerns will be seen immediately. If possible, please communicate these concerns with a Foster Coordinator so we can alert the medical team to expect you.

Look at some of our Foster Graduations!