LWV Nonpartisan Policy

Non Partisan Policy of League of Women Voters Red Wing


The bylaws of the LWV MN state that the LWV “shall not support or oppose any political party or candidate.” In order to comply with this bylaw, LWV-RW has adopted this policy which is binding on all members. Partisanship is not limited to political party activity; it includes active participation in any group supporting candidates or individual activity in support of any candidates for public office whether or not they run under party designation.

All LWV members are expected to keep their League activity and their political activity completely separate and distinct. Once the League takes a position on an issue, members may not identify themselves as League members in publicly expressing an opinion that is in opposition to a League position.


All members (except the presidents and the voter services chair) are encouraged to actively participate in political activities.

This would include running for and holding elective office; accepting an appointment to local, non-elective office provided there is no conflict of interest; serve as appointed members of county, state or national boards; attend and/or host local, county or statewide political functions; sign and/or circulate nominating petitions for candidates for local nonpartisan offices.

Board of Directors

Members of the board may have party affiliations and should certainly carry out the responsibilities of every voter in exercising the franchise and are encouraged to actively participate in political activities subject to local board review. Board members may not speak publicly or work against a LWV position. Directors should not be highly visible in the campaign of any candidate for US Senate, Congress, or for MN executive, legislative or judicial office. The political activity of a spouse or relative of the board member is considered to be separate and distinct from the activities of the member.

Presidents, Voter Services Chair

To protect the non partisan policy of the League, the president and voters services chair shall not work actively in their parties while serving on the Board. They may not undertake any action which would publicly identify them with partisan activity. They may not run for public or party office or publicly support campaigns at the region, state or national levels. However, they may hold non-elective office provided there is no conflict of interest as determined by the local board.

Best Practices:

Do distinguish between “partisan” and “political” and reaffirm non/partisan policy each year with full membership*

Do NOT combine voter service activities with advocacy activities.

Do NOT share LWV positions beside candidate information.

Do NOT discuss candidates for office. Focus solely on policies, laws, and issues.

Do NOT attack elected officials for their personal characteristics. You may criticize policy positions.

DO refer to elected officials in their official capacity, NOT as candidates for re-election.

Do NOT suggest vote for or against a party or candidate.

Do NOT wear materials or use language that refer to parties or candidates in a non-neutral manner. Be cautious, because many messages do not explicitly refer to candidates or parties, but may still be perceived as partisan. Examples: “Blue Wave”, “Resist”, “Nevertheless she persisted”.

Do NOT use language that suggests a preference for a particular election outcome, even if it doesn’t name a party or candidate.

DO use language to encourage current elected officials to adopt a certain policy. Eg: Gun Safety Now

Do wear only LWV materials when doing LWVMN or LWVRedWing work, or from approved coalitions (Restore the Vote, etc).

*notes on nonpartisan but political

We are non-partisan in education and advocacy. We never support political parties or candidates for office. In our education role, we provide nonpartisan information to others with the understanding that they will use that information to make their own decisions. We encourage others to register, to vote, and to communicate policy priorities to those in public office.

We are nonpartisan in advocacy, although we are political in the sense that we seek to affect the outcome of legislation or policy. LWV’s positions on issues are based on study and consensus by our members. When we work with public officials on legislation or policies that address our concerns on an issue, it is because of their position on that issue, not because of their party affiliation.