LWV MN Resource List

A member may not agree with every policy position of the US, State or Red Wing LWV, but they should not identify themselves as a LWV member if they are expressing views in opposition to these policy positions which have gone through study, consensus review, and been adopted by vote at the State & National Conventions.

Thinking about membership?  The State website has a handbook for new members.

Being an active member of LWV Red Wing doesn't mean you have to be an expert on all the things we do.  The state website has the tools you need to get any league job (big or small) done!  

Twice a year LWV Minnesota hold informational sessions on various topics related to leading a local League called Jump Start Academy.  The latest sessions were held in January 2023.  If you are considering becoming a leader in LWV Red Wing, this is more than enough information to get you started!

What is happening at the State Legislature on issues important to the League?  It can be hard to keep up when the legislature is in session, but following this page or signing up for the capitol letter email can help you stay on top of it.  You will also find reports from the observer corps here.

Voter Service is the core of what we do on the local Red Wing level because it includes voter registration and voter education.  If you have a questions about how to do voter registration, or how to hold a candidate forum, this is your source!

The last section on the member resource page (scroll to the bottom of the linked page) is titled Newsletters and Call Notes.  It is one of the most useful sections because it contains all the newsletters of the past year, as well as links to the statewide monthly meetings of League Presidents, League Voter Service Chairs, Climate Task Force, and the Advocacy and Policy Action Team (APAT) Calls.  This is great info for group leaders.

As a local league, we are members of the state and national leagues also.  We are also part of a regional LWV group called the LWV - Upper Mississippi River Region which does unique advocacy on water quality & climate change relevant to the Mississippi watershed.

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