Courses Offered
Courses listed as A/B will be offered as a full year course and
will fulfill the UC/CSU "F" requirement for art.
If students took an Intro Course this year (i.e. Art 1 and 2), they should enroll in the "Advanced" Course (i.e. "Advanced Art") if they seek to advance in that discipline.
Animation A/B Grades 9-12 pending board approval
Animation A/B is offered to students who are interested in creating quality artwork using animation, stop motion video, and audio. Students will learn, through theory and hands-on practice, the foundations for cartooning, claymation, and stop-motion animation. They will also learn 2-D and 3-D animation using computer software. Throughout this year, students will analyze work, collaborate with students in our class, and reflect on influential individuals in the world of animation. No prerequisite
Art Grades 9-12
Studio Art class with an emphasis on drawing and painting. Basic skills are taught with pencil, paint, pastels, paper mache, collage, metal tooling, and include subjects like basic design, still life, portraits and abstraction. Art elements and principles, art history, and art of other cultures are explored. Two Trimesters. No prerequisite
Advanced Art Grades 10-12
After completion of Art, students may continue with advanced assignments to build a well-rounded portfolio. Advanced Art 3 may be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Art
Advanced Placement (AP) Studio Art Drawing & Painting Grades 10-12
After completion of Advanced Art, AP Studio Art provides an opportunity for an in depth investigation on a visual theme for submission to the College Board.
Prerequisite: Art, Advanced Art
Ceramics Grades 9-12
Studio art class working exclusively with clay. Students learn basic hand building and throwing techniques while mastering art elements and principles. Also includes glazing techniques and related art history.
Advanced Ceramics Grades 10-12
Advanced Ceramics may be repeated for credit. Continuation of Ceramics, with advanced design techniques. Emphasis on use of the wheel and building a portfolio.
Prerequisite: Ceramics
Advanced Placement (AP) 3D Studio Art Grades 10-12
After completion of Advanced Ceramics, AP 3D Studio Art & Design provides an opportunity for an in depth investigation of a sustained investigation for submission to the College Board.
Prerequisite: Ceramics, Advanced Ceramics
Developing Mixed Choir Grades 9-12
The Concert Choir is designed for students to learn to increase their vocal skills and to explore and study choral music. This choir performs in at least two major concerts per trimester which are mandatory.
Intermediate Concert Choir Grades 10-2
The Concert Choir is designed for students to learn to increase their vocal skills and to explore and study choral music. This choir performs in at least two major concerts per trimester which are mandatory.
Guitar A/B Grades 9-12
Students will be learning the basics of guitar and playing a variety of styles. Suitable for beginners to intermediate guitar players. We use tablature notation and play songs with open chords first semester and branch out to barre chords and more intermediate techniques second semester.
Advanced Guitar Grades 9-12
For advanced guitar players or students who have already taken Guitar A/B. More individualized learning will take students through different aspects of guitar theory, advanced techniques, composition, scales, and soloing. Advanced Guitar can be repeated for credit.
Prerequisite: Guitar A/B
Jazz Ensemble Grades 9-12
This is a performance based music elective course emphasizing jazz styles, techniques and the performance of jazz literature. We explore improvisation styles as well as ensemble playing. Recommended to also be enrolled in Symphonic Band or Orchestra. Students will be required to perform in concerts.
Prerequisite: Recommended concurrent enrollment in Symphonic Band or Orchestra or teacher consent.
Advanced Jazz Ensemble Honors Grades 10-12
This is an audition based group that plays advanced jazz big band repertoire. We play at competitions and community events throughout Livermore and the bay area. Instrumentation is standard big band, which is saxophones, trombones, trumpets, and rhythm section of piano, guitar, bass, and drums. One player per part and students will be improvising. Exciting group, one of the top performing groups on campus.
Prerequisite: Jazz ensemble recommended. Audition at the end of the Spring for placement, check in with instructor for details.
Digital Photography A/B Grades 9-12
This Studio Digital Art class teaches the basics of quality artwork using digital photography and imaging software as a medium. Elements and Principles of Design are taught with an emphasis on composition. No prerequisite
Advanced Digital Photography A/B Grades 10-12
May be repeated for credit. Continuation of Digital Photography intended for students’ individual skill development. This course is not a prerequisite for Advanced Placement Photography.
Prerequisite: Digital Photo A/B formerly know as Digital Photo 1-2
Advanced Placement Photography A/B Grades 10-12
Continuation of Digital Photography 1-2 intended for students’ individual skill development. Students learn advanced techniques with cameras, studio equipment and imaging software to create personal portfolios for submission to the College Board Advanced Placement Test.
Prerequisite: Digital Photo A/B formerly know as Digital Photo 1-2
Orchestra Grades 9-12
A course designed for orchestral string players only, it is a performance based music class emphasizing orchestral technique and literature. There is a music camp the week before schools starts that is encouraged.
Prerequisite: 2 years experience on Violin, viola cello, string bass or teacher consent.
Studio Broadcast Productions A/B Grades 9-12 pending board approval
Students will learn the fundamentals of reporting, filming scripting, editing, and producing a daily radio and weekly video show for a schoolwide audience. The Elements of Art and Principles of Design will serve as the vehicle for studying artistic value. Students will learn how to properly use cameras, lights, microphones, editing software, lighting and backdrops to create newscasts. In addition, students will learn about the ethics, principles and organizing structures that guide the journalism industry (May be repeated for credit) No prerequisite
Symphonic Band Grades 9-12
Symphonic and marching band including concerts, music festivals and marching band at school events and competitive band reviews. There is a music camp the week before school starts that is encouraged.
Prerequisite: Advanced reading/playing ability or at least 2 year experience or teacher consent.
Theater 1-2 Grades 9-12
Students will learn the basics of dramatic performance and literature, and are provided exposure to technical theater and theater history. Students will complete a variety of performance pieces and written assignments that will demonstrate practical and critical thinking skills and meet performance criteria. No prerequisite
Theater 3-8 Grades 9-12
Students will build upon learned skills in dramatic performance and literature, and are provided exposure to technical theater and theater history. Students will complete a variety of performance pieces and written assignments that will demonstrate practical and critical thinking skills and meet performance criteria.
Prerequisite: Theater 1-2
Advanced Theater Workshop 1-2 Grades 9-12
Students apply process and skill in acting, designing and producing formal theater productions. Student undergo the entire rehearsal and production process either as a performer or technical support member. Students complete a specified portfolio process to document their entire formal production experience.
Prerequisite: Theater 1-2
Writing for Stage and Screen Grades 9-12
Students will learn the basics of script-writing terminology, story flow, and dialogue before taking these skills and writing longer and longer scripts. Students will learn to give constructive feedback, how to receive feedback, and then edit their work. The course will eventually culminate with a final project that is ready to either be filmed or performed on stage.
Prerequisite: Theater 1-2 or instructor approval
Video Production A/B Grades 9-12 pending board approval
Students will be introduced to the elements and principles of art needed to create videos, including basic layout and design, color theory, shape, form, and composition and how they relate to video and audio. Students will learn, through theory and hands-on practice, pre-production (script writing, storyboarding), production (camera and tripod usage, lighting, sound recording), and post production (editing, output, packaging and marketing). Examples of projects include short films, music videos, documentaries and commercials. No prerequisite
Advanced Video Production Grades 10-12 pending board approval
Continuation of Video Production A/B, formerly known as Video 1-2, with the addition of packaging, marketing, and creating a portfolio of original work. This course focuses on independent filmmaking, including the roles of the writer, cinematographer, director, and producer. Students experience the creative, organizational, and technical aspects of filmmaking.
May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Video Production A/B formerly known as Video Production 1-2