
If you do not need to see the approved clubs list, make sure your mouse is not hovering on the document to see the rest of this webpage.

21-22 Club List

To establish a new club or Renew an old one

For the 2023-2024 school year!

When we get the New Club Form/Club Renewal Forms (digital Google Form AND the hardcopy), the LHS Club Contract Form (from the ASB club Information meeting), Club Constitution, and the Club Advisor Form/email, and need no further corrections,  your club can be approved by ASB at our Wednesday morning meeting. Then, it will be forwarded to school administration for final approval. Once it has gone through these steps, your club will be emailed with confirmation that your club has been approved.

*If you need to hold elections or are establishing a new club...*

Clubs can meet unofficially before approval to fill out paperwork, hold elections/re-elections, and determine interest. Note: This option is only available short term in order to fill out the club forms. Clubs must be officially approved to continue meeting and access any of their funds. 

Meeting Minutes and Sign-In Sheets

IMPORTANT: You can fill out Google forms for the meeting minutes. However, you must print and PHYSICALLY sign the minutes (per our state auditors, digital signatures are no longer accepted) and turn those in just like you would if it was on paper.

For your club to remain official, meeting minutes* (secretary writes the minutes and turns it in) and sign-in sheets (all members) must be submitted once a month. If not, the club will receive a warning and if there is not a meeting by the following month, the club will deactivated by ASB. The boxes on the minutes expand as you type or you can insert spaces if you are going to print and then write on it. Physical signatures and sign-ins will be turned in to room 502 or to Mrs. Galvan's mailbox. These are requirements by state auditors.

*If you are unfamiliar with writing minutes, clubs, or how a meeting should be organized and conducted, see here for a more in-depth explanation of the minutes process and for an example. 

New Requirement changes in the 2023-2024 Year

Important Forms for planning activities & fundraisers

Purchasing and Fundraising Dos and Dont's (Important: Read!) 

The process the Activities Request form goes through:

A.R. give to Mrs. Groth-> given to ASB->if approved by ASB, it goes to admin for approval ->back to Mrs. Groth->Mrs. Groth will email approval/denial or

A.R. given to Mrs. Groth-> given to ASB->if rejected by ASB ->back to Mrs. Groth->Mrs. Groth will email approval/denial

Activities/fundraisers are subject to FCMAT (Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team) rules for ASB, such as:

There are strict dietary regulations on food/beverages during the school day (this includes an hour before and an hour prior school bell hours). We advise you to hold an event with food/beverages outside of these times (one hour before school to one hour after school) to avoid these limitations. Fundraisers cannot conflict with well-established annual ones by groups (FFA barbeque, Alumni Association crab feed, etc.). Fundraisers considered to be games of chance in which there are no items exchanged, such as raffles, are not permitted. Safety, of course, must also be considered.

If your club wants to fundraise or spend money this year

General Club Info

The slide show below has all of the information you will need to start and maintain your club. This information can also be found in the LHS Club Info below. Feel free to email Avery Maxwell if you have any questions. 

2023-2024 Club Information