Class of 2025

Students make many decisions as they prepare for high school graduation.
LHS Gear Up is ready to support students' junior year!

Junior Year Timeline

Follow the Senior Year Timeline to prepare for the next steps

Junior year is a crucial time for college and career planning, and it's when many families ramp up planning activities. Here are some things you can do this year to stay on track.

Students can access the timeline by clicking here, and feel free to visit the LHS GEAR UP office (W 122) if you have any questions.

College Admissions & Readiness Exams

Learn more about the differences between the SAT, ACT, and TSI exams

It's important for students to know the differences between the SAT, ACT, and TSI exams so they can prepare and choose the right path for their future after high school. Don't worry, we've got you covered with helpful facts, videos, and descriptions. Together, we can figure out which exam suits your aspirations best!

SAT & ACT Facts

It's not uncommon for students to feel overwhelmed when it comes to choosing between the SAT and ACT tests. But don't worry, we're here to help! These informative videos are designed to not only clarify the differences between the exams but also to help you understand how colleges and universities use the scores when considering you for admission. We want you to feel confident and equipped for success on your journey to college!

What is the difference?

Colleges and Universities using the scores?
Yes, even test-optional is explained!

TSI Facts

The TSI Assessment (TSIA) is a way for Texas public institutions of higher education to find out if students are prepared for college-level coursework in English Language Arts Reading (ELAR) and mathematics. If you meet certain college readiness benchmarks on tests like the SAT, ACT, or STAAR English III or Algebra II EOCs, or complete the high school College Preparatory Course, you won't have to take this assessment.

SAT, ACT, & TSI Test Preparation Resources

Ready Platform & Khan Academy Icons found in Classlink

Did you know that ALL Lufkin high school students have FREE SAT, ACT, AND TSI preparation resources in Classlink? 
Click here to learn more about finding these test preparation resources.  

Students are also encouraged to attend the FREE tutoring sessions offered after school. Click here for dates, times, and locations

Planning Your Future with Xello

Discover Your After High School Options

Trying to find a career, college, or university? 

LHS students have exclusive free access to Xello, a program that assists them in building their skills, knowledge, and future plans through Lufkin ISD Classlink. Xello is an award-winning program that is academically researched and scientifically validated. The program puts the student at the center of their planning experience, documenting their journey as they develop self-knowledge, explore post-secondary options, create plans, and continuously reassess as they gain new knowledge, skills, and experiences.

Click here and follow these instructions to begin or continue planning through Xello.