LIS Chorus!!!!

Welcome to chorus at LIS!

5th/6th Spring Program 24
4th Grade Spring Program 24

We Are Lights by Stephen Schwartz!


Featuring LIS, LMS, and LHS Choirs!


5th and 6th Grade Chorus Concert Dates 2024-2025:


4th Grade Chorus Concert Dates 2024-2025:


General Information for our Chorus Concerts:

All LIS Chorus concerts will be presented in the cafeteria at LIS. Our concerts begin at 7:00pm!
Chorus Concert Attire for all grades: Black LIS Music shirt or plain black shirt, black pants or jeans, dark shoes. Black dress or skirt (with tights, to knee level). Professional looking!

Email Mrs. Ploener ( with any questions!

A little about chorus at LIS...

At LIS, chorus is a completely optional activity! Rehearsals occur during the day- students usually attend with other members of their class! We rehearse together once every six school days!

Being SILLY (and productive at the same time!) is a must, experimenting with our voices is required, and respectfully sharing and listening to new ideas is essential! A choir is a group of people with a common goal: to MAKE MUSIC TOGETHER! It's all about OUR voices joining together!

Together we learn the basics of healthy singing, diction, score reading and lyrical analysis. We learn a variety of music from around the globe and share ideas that contribute to our cohesive music making! By diving into the language, word choices, rhythms, dynamics, articulations and history of each piece, we develop a deeper understanding and connection to the music we make! 

Mrs. Ploener conducts all LIS Choirs!

Throwback to Pitch Black for singing the National Anthem at a LHS Powderpuff Football Game in November 2023!

Click here to learn more about Pitch Black!

4th Chorus concert pics22