Senior Officers- Selected seniors who participated in the PALs program during their junior year.
Senior officers will:
serve as mentors to new PALs members in class and at assignments.
assist PALs teacher with activities
assist new students & parents become familiar with LTHS
work with other LTHS organizations on various campus projects
assist with Life Skills students.
be visible on campus as a positive role model.
be utilized on campus for various activities including tutorials, mentoring, and/or projects.
PALs Class- 34 junior & senior students
PALs Students will-
go through 9 weeks of training and preparation that focuses on:
Openness = Getting to know your classmates
Team Building = Trust
Group Norms & Group Dynamic = Essentials on what to look for & how to behave in a group setting
Communication Skills = Eye Contact, Body Language, Closed Ended Questions, Open ended Questions, Guided Questions.
Awareness= Recognition of negative behaviors, dangerous
Confidentiality= Disclosure, Proper etiquette for communicating issues and concerns with your PALees
Learning Disabilities=Recognizing various LDs that your PALees, Understanding LIfe Skills Students.
Substance Abuse= Drugs & Alcohol
Disorders= Depression, Suicide, Eating Disorders
serve as a friend and mentor to students in the LT community.
understand the difference between and a mentor and a counselor.
understand the difference between guided questions and advice.
be positive role models in the LT community.
keep a journal detailing your experiences with their PALee.
be responsible= take care of your business in classes, extra-curriculars, home, and work.
be honest = don't lie to yourself or others, if it is too much, ask for help.
be respectful = At all times
be present = MOST IMPORTANT