MetroWest Adolescent Health Survey - Reports

The MetroWest Adolescent Health Survey is administered to middle and high school students  of 25 neighboring communities, including Sudbury, Wayland, Natick, Needham, and Wellesley among others. It comprises of a set of core and optional questions that seek information regarding students' involvement in healthy and potentially risky behaviors.  Among these questions, the survey brings attention to topics such as substance use, mental health, sexual behavior, bullying, violence, online behavior and protective factors. This survey enlightens experiences, behaviors and thoughts that might have occured during the last 30 days, the last year, or at any point in life. 

MetroWest Adolescent Health Survey - 2023 Report

Administered in November 2023 - Data corresponding to 12th grade students refers to the class of 2024. 

2023 MWAHS Color .pptx.pdf

MetroWest Adolescent Health Survey - 2021 Report

(under construction)