Visiting the Counselor

Should I be alarmed if my child says, “I saw the school counselor today”?

Not at all! There is no need to worry.  I spend a significant amount of time delivering counselor lessons to students and stopping in to classrooms to check on students and collaborate with teachers. Sometimes kids like to see the counselor for little things.  If a student has a problem they need help solving, they’ve had a conflict with another student or they want to share a special accomplishment they might ask to see me.  However, I always encourage students to go home and share with parents that we spoke and explain why we met.  If there is an ongoing issue or major concern, I always call or e-mail you for your input. 


Who refers students to the school counselor?

Parents often ask “Who refers a child to the school counselor?”  Sometimes kids refer themselves by asking their teacher, filling out a referral slip or asking their parent to call or e-mail me.  Sometimes parents call me or a child's teachers let them know if there is a concern and a student needs to talk.


Here are some reasons a student might talk to the School Counselor:


Here are some reasons parents might talk to the School Counselor:


Here are some reasons teachers or administrators might talk to the Counselor: