It's red/ yellow/ orange.

It's red, too.

Red and yellow make orange.

Blue and red make purple.

Blue and yellow make green.

What patterns can you see?

This pattern si stripes / spots / wavy lines / zigzags.

We can see stripes in nature.

We can see wavy lines everywhere.

What type of art is it?

This type of art is called drawing/ painting / photography / sculpture.

Painters paint on wood and windows.

What can you see in a landscape drawing?

river / sea / watefall / mountain / forest

Look at the river in each landscape painting.

Primary colors: red, yellow, blue

Mix the three primary colors to make all of the other colors on the wheel. 

Secondary colors: violet, gree, orange

Spray water on the paper  towel.

Put the paper towel into the tub.

This year is the Year of Rabbit.

Happy Chinese New Year!

I used Miro's symbol in my English name. 

