Choosing a Program
1.) Start Early
Start looking as far in advance as you can. No matter what type of care you are considering—an early learning center, Early/Head Start, or a school-based program—finding the right option can take some time.
Use the “Lafayette Options” and School Finder resources to help you.
2.) Make a Call
Begin your search by calling your local experts—your Child Care Resource & Referral agency (CCR&R).
CCR&Rs can give you the facts about child care and a list of options in your area that meet your needs.
If you are looking for child care in Lafayette Parish, ON TRACK by 5 Alliance is your local Child Care Resource and Referral agency.
Call us at 337-521-7134 or email us at to receive a referral.
Ask these questions:
What should I look for in a quality childcare program?
What are the licensing requirements in my area?
How can I get information about complaints and licensing violations?
Does my family quality for any financial assistance?
3.) Visit and Ask Questions
When you visit early care and education programs, consider key indicators of quality to assist you in choosing the right fit.
Request a Quality Checklist from
4.) Make a Choice
After visiting programs, think about what you saw at each visit and make the best choice for your child and family.
By using the Enroll Lafayette website ( you can apply for up to three programs for your child and rank them according to your preference.
5.) Stay Involved
The work is not over when you find good care for your child. You and your child’s teacher are partners now. Here are some ways to be involved:
Meet regularly with your child’s teacher and ask questions.
Volunteer time when needed, like on clean up days or fixing broken toys.
Visit your child at the program and read a book aloud.
Join in special events, such as field trips, Career Day or Family Night.
Even if you cannot get time off from work during the day, you can still check in at drop-off and pick-up times. Ask your child’s teacher how things are going and how your child is doing.
Visiting and participating in events at your child’s program sends a strong message. It tells your child and your child’s teacher that you think what your child is doing and learning is important.
These Five Steps to Choosing Quality were based upon publications developed by our partners at Child Care Aware.