Frequently Asked Questions
How can I apply for an early care and education program in Lafayette?
Parents can create an account and apply for up to 3 programs at Programs are listed individually by program type. Parents can rank their top 3 choices by preference and receive communication via email from the programs.
How can I get help with child care tuition?
Type III Early Learning Centers are eligible to accept Child Care Assistance (CCAP). Other programs offer tuition assistance at select locations. See the financial aid section for more information.
How is my household income verified?
All income-based programs are required to verify income of all adults living in the household. Most often, the most recent check stubs are required, but some programs also accept other items such as a SNAP Benefits printout, Social Security, letters from the employer, etc. Check with each program for your household’s required documentation.
Does your child need shots?
How do I find a child care center?
Your local CCR&R, ON TRACK by 5 Alliance, can support you – - 337-521-7134 - Also, you can search using the Center Finder at
If I qualify, is my child guaranteed a spot?
No. All publicly funded programs are guided by regulations and limits. Early Learning Centers are regulated by licensing guidelines that require classroom and program capacities that place limits on enrollment. Head Start and Early Head Start require lower classroom ratios and are federally grant-funded and income based. Public and Non-public Pre-k programs are state and federally grant-funded and income based with set classroom ratios. Therefore, there are limited openings available at each site.
What happens if I don't qualify for publicly funded programs?
If you don't qualify for a publicly-funded program, paying tuition at a quality rated child care center, public preschool, or non-public preschool is an option. The right care and education for your child in these critical years is worth considering the cost. Remember, your choices shape their chances and quality should always be your choice.
Who do I contact if I have additional questions?
If you have questions about a specific site in Lafayette, please contact that site directly using the contact information found at
If you have any other questions, please contact the Network office at 337-521-7134 or