Why is my brain working against me?

June 9, 2020

Ok, have you ever set a goal in the evening and then when you wake up in the morning, a little voice in your head gives you 5 really strong reasons why that goal is crazy?

Why do I ask? I came up with the bright idea of challenging my brother to a biking challenge. So far so good, right? Healthy challenge. Competitive challenge. Sounds like a great idea. Last night I checked the weather and it said it was going to be a beautiful morning so I said, "Mark, you best be getting up early to ride for half an hour. Not only will you beat your brother, you will feel fantastic and have a great work day."

Fast forward to this morning..."Mark, you deserve some extra sleep. Odds are that thunderstorm won't show up later so you can ride after work. Why don't you read for a bit and enjoy a peaceful start to the day?" Every excuse under the sun. It took a half hour of fighting with myself but I DID IT! I biked almost 10 km and my day is great so far. My evening brain was right. My morning brain was tricking/lying to me.

What goals does your evening brain set that your morning brain hates? What can you do to help your kids battle with their morning brains so their days are filled with healthy pursuits?

Click here for guidelines for kids.

Slowing down = Time Travel

May 21, 2020

Talk about a strange week. What I have been doing isn't strange. It is what my mind has been thinking about. I noticed that I have been telling old stories to my son, connecting with old friends, and even just thinking about all the things that have happened to bring me to this point in life.

So, what does that have to do with the horse picture? Believe it or not, I was raised around horses. I was even in a rodeo once as a little kid. My Grandpa used to raise Norwegian Fjord horses like the one you see in the picture. My Grandpa and his horses played a big part in raising me to be who I am today.

What is the point? If you are a parent and you are feeling stressed about what is going on...slow down for a minute. If you are a kid and you are getting bored or you are worried about things...slow down for a minute with an adult in your life. What old stories/memories can you share with each other? Is there an old tradition you did as a family that you haven't done in awhile that you can do today?

You may just need a little time travel as a family to get you back on track.

Allergies and Epoxy

May 7, 2020

How are you holding up? I can honestly say that I am doing better than I was. Sure, I don't remember how to talk to people in person and I am not sure when last I didn't wear sweat pants but overall, I am starting to adjust to life.

Parts of my brain are turning on that I didn't even know existed. For example, I am not a crafty do-it-yourself kind of guy. Yesterday, however, I spent two hours figuring out how I can make my own desk out of an old door and an epoxy kit. Yep, the colour blind guy thinks he is going to get fancy with colour. Will I follow through? Stay tuned.

My allergies are reminding me that my favourite season, winter, is gone. Trying to type on a computer all day when your nose won't stop running is fun. I am thankful though, allergy shots have made handling allergies way better.

Enough rambling. What new things are you open to during this strange time? Are there creative activities that can help make your day more exciting and challenging?

Talking to myself?

April 30, 2020

Ok, I can easily admit that I have enjoyed seeing my family. Over the past 20 years, work has been my priority so it has been a blessing to see my family everyday. In fact, as I type this message I can hear my wife and my son upstairs enjoying breakfast together. Cool.

However, daily struggles still exist. I am a person who needs to feel that each day matters. I am driven by a strong desire to impact the kids and adults I work with. That is really hard to do while sitting in my basement on a computer. So there are a lot of days, especially yesterday, when I get negative, worried, or anxious.

This morning I came across the video I posted and it presented me with a challenge. I can miss the blessings of each day by focusing on what I don't have or I can start talking to myself like a three year old..."I am smart. I am blessed. I can do anything."

Nice, huh?

April 23, 2020

Change creates a different feeling for everyone. I admit, I am not the biggest fan of quick changes. So, I am taking this time as a huge lesson on how to learn to at least like change. So instead of being down or stressed about not being with my students or in my nice little office, I am finding a way to create a new space to enjoy and new ways to connect.

As you can tell from the picture, I have a lot of work to do on my new office. Being partially colour blind is gong to make picking colours fun. I will share pictures of my progress with you.

How do you make change fun? What changes have you made that you will keep going once school gets back to normal?

Allergies, Websites, and Drywall?

April 22, 2020

Years ago, I had the chance to go on an amazing trip with students from Avery High School. It is hard to believe that trip happened as I sit working in an office from home. I wonder if I could pretend to go on a jet boat in my office chair. lol

What's up today? Today I am starting a new routine to get back into shape. I am going to bike a couple times a day to keep moving. The challenge is...it is allergy season. I am a little nervous that I will sneeze my whole bike ride but it is worth a try. I am also going to publish this website today which is exciting. Will anyone see it? Will it be helpful? Stay tuned. After work today I will probably have to go paint the drywall in our new house. Hmmmmmm...maybe I should wait and let a Grade 6 kid do it for me so I can relax. Lol

Have a great day cool kids. What are you doing to make today memorable?