How do my kids....????

Hold can we jazz up our work?

I admit that I have marked presentations from students for about 17 years now. Don't do the Math...I am 25 years old! Anyway, if you are a parent or a teacher, you may have to look at a bunch of Google Slide presentations and they look all the same OR you may not know how to help your kids make them look more professional. Check out the video for 5 simple ways to help your kids take their skills to the next level. Hint...Lego Slides!

Wait...a live video session in my house?

I know. Sounds strange, right? Here are some rules of the game that can keep online learning fun, safe and effective.

"It's just too much..."

Like many, you may feel overwhelmed by all of the information coming at you about your kid's school situation. I made a quick video that will hopefully simplify things a bit for you. Hang in there. We gots this!

" do they turn work in?

Here is one way to turn work in using Google Classroom

" do they turn work in? Part 2

Here is ANOTHER way to turn things in.

How can we save a few clicks?

There is a way to have more than one tab or window open at a time.

What if we only have a phone or a tablet?

Using Google means free apps for just about any device. Yep, that means kids can work almost anywhere if they choose to.