One of the best ways for students and adults to get through social distancing successfully is to challenge your brain and body daily. That can be tough to do especially if you don't plan or go looking for a challenge. I know this first hand. I went from being on the run 14 hours per day, taking 13 000 steps during the school day, and playing sports in my free time to....sitting at a computer for 7 to 10 hours per day!!!

I will occasionally post a challenge for you to try. Maybe you have even better ideas than mine. Either way, challenge yourself everyday.

Jump, Jump, Jump

For many of you this may be easy. For many of us this is hard. Imagine what you would feel like if you took on the challenge of doing jump rope a few minutes each day? This is something you can do in your yard, on your driveway or maybe in your basement. Are you up for the challenge? Give it a try.

Every big challenge starts with a small step.

The amazing girls in the video had to learn just like you and I do. Start with something small. Ask someone to teach you to ride a bike. Learn how to ride without training wheels. Go for a short ride with your family everyday for a week. Learn how to fix your bike. See how slow you can go and still stay balanced. Bike challenges can be fun, great for the body and for the mind.

I did it!!!

I decided to listen to my own advice and took on a challenge. I always wanted to know if I could bike from the farm into town. I always had excuses and for three years I just talked about it. Saturday I got up, hopped on the bike and the rest is history!! Do I feel sore? You bet, but I also feel great because I did something that not many other people would do AND I followed through on something that was hard for me.

What challenge can you take on today?